- Ability to register/login.
- Added CRUD functionality to phone book entries.
- Users can view their created phone book entries.
- Users can share their registered phone book entries with other users.
- Users can cancel sharing entries with other users.
- You can run Unit and Feature tests by running
command in the main project directory
Note: you may need to run some commands with sudo
keyword depending on you configuration
1.Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gyts123/PhoneBook.git
2.Build docker containers
cd docker/
docker-compose build
3.Install composer dependencies
docker-compose run php composer install
4.Run docker containers
docker-compose up -d
5.Find out mysql container ip address
docker inspect docker_mysql_1 | grep "IPAddress"
example output:
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPAddress": "",
6.Copy the address to .env file to access the database
7.Set up database tables
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
8.Access the app via url
The task in my opinion was quite well made. It was fun and interesting to code this task, so i suggest keeping the task as it is.