This ROS2 C++ package merges the LaserScan messages from two 2D LiDARs into a single LaserScan message.
The package has been tested on ROS2 Humble.
Your LiDARs have to be installed in same z direction (Both upward or both downward).
The lidar merger node has the following parameters:
first_lidar_yaw (required)
: The yaw angle of the first LiDAR relative to the robot's heading (radians).second_lidar_yaw (required)
: The yaw angle of the second LiDAR relative to the robot's heading (radians).x_diff (required)
: The distance between the second LiDAR and the first LiDAR in a coordinate system where the +y axis indicates the robot's heading (meters).y_diff (required)
: The distance between the second LiDAR and the first LiDAR in a coordinate system where the +y axis indicates the robot's heading (meters).
Clone this repository into your ROS2 workspace:
cd /path/to/workspace/src
git clone
mv ros2_lidar_merger lidar_merger
cd /path/to/workspace
colcon build
Command line example:
ros2 run lidar_merger lidar_merger --ros-args -p first_lidar_yaw:=-0.785 -p second_lidar_yaw:=2.356 -p x_diff:=-0.49 -p y_diff:=-0.74
Launch file example:
lidar_merger = Node(
{"first_lidar_yaw": -1.0 / 4.0 * PI},
{"second_lidar_yaw": 3.0 / 4.0 * PI},
{"x_diff": -0.49},
{"y_diff": -0.74},