Minimal Reproducible example for OpenJ9 issue #6720
The openj9-jdk8-docker
folder contains a Dockerfile to build the OpenJ9 jdk8 Docker build with the debug version provided by @pshipton
This image is also available as gyuuu/openj9:jdk8-20190906-184840
The openj9-jdk11-docker
folder contains a Dockerfile to build the OpenJ9 jdk11 Docker build with the debug version provided by @pshipton
This image is also available as gyuuu/openj9:jdk11-20190906-184832
The openj9-jdk8-maven-docker
folder contains a Dockerfile to build the previously mentioned OpenJ9 jdk8 Docker image with maven for building the project
The openj9-jdk11-maven-docker
folder contains a Dockerfile to build the previously mentioned OpenJ9 jdk8 Docker image with maven for building the project
Basic Spring Boot Hello World application for testing. Can be built with with multi stage docker build Shared classes cache is created during test execution using Surefire plugin's argLine configuration provided in the pom.xml