simple calculator that can be used in the terminal
usage example:
$ tcalc "3*(2+1)"
$ tcalc
> 1.5*9.8+3.2
$ tcalc
> time
>(time mode) 25h67m24s
1 day 2 hours 7 minutes 24 seconds
1.08847 days or 26.1233 hours or 1567.4 minutes or 94044 seconds
$ tcalc
> hello=23^2
> hi=$hello*2
> hello=12
> variables
hello => 12
hi => 1058
operands: + - * ^ %
tested on a arch-based linux machine.
You must install editline but i will try to use something else in the near future...
(src/hashmap.[ch] are not written by me but I have the intention to implement my own hashmap files)
- make all: compile the program in optimized mode
- make debug: compile the program in debug mode
- make test: run the test
- make coverage: give a coverage of the test
- make profile: run the profiler on the program
- make valgrind: run some test with valgrind to detect errors
- make clean: clean the project
- make style: clean the code
- change the hashmap to something simpler
- change readline to something simpler too