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FAQ: Feature Request

Hendrik Lüth edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 1 revision

FAQ: Feature Request

Here you can find some frequently asked questions about packages some people wrote or/and want to have in the official package repository. Please read all of the questions and make sure your request hasn't bee done before.

Q: Can you add a package for XY?

A: Yes, we can. Please make sure, that there is a reasonable use-case for the package and the feature hasn't been requested before. Also check the Issues weather someone is already working on a similar request.

Q: I wrote a package for XY. Can you add it to the official repository?

A: Yes, we can, if the package is coded properly and we see a reasonable use-case. Also make sure, that there isn't a package with the same purpose, yet and that your idea is not on the list of rejected features. Please open a pull-request on the official package repository, we will respond to you as soon as possible with some comments and proposals for your code. If everything is fine we will merge your package.

Q: My package was rejected, because my code wasn't written properly. What can I do?

A: Just because we rejected your code doesn't usually mean, that it's not good or has no chance to get into the official Repository. We wrote you some comments and proposals, which you can implement into your code. Please commit your changes, we will come back on you with some comments on the changes and will merge, if your code fits our purposes.

List of rejected Features

  • preserver manual installed packages on updates
  • uplink over a private wifi-network (not mesh)