A lightweight non-intrusive Tampermonkey [ https://tampermonkey.net/ ] script that enhances the user's site experience on newscientist.com
So far the enhancements are limited to...
- Browsing past issues: Implementation of infinite scrolling and elimination of the years dropdown selector.
- Magazine style reading: When an issue is selected, the user is presented with a simple reading interface with the TOC on the left and the article loaded on the right.
Screenshot of what this looks like: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3vCLVnJC6shQzA0a0tGYnNEZmc/view
Special shoutout to CapType [https://github.com/CapType] for his valuable contribution to this script.
See something wrong in the code, want to help make it better, faster, richer? or maybe you just wanna collaborate, well feel free to jump right in and fire away. Drop me an email along the way if you can please. :-)
This UserScript is licensed under The MIT License (MIT) - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. The author of this script takes no responsibility for any potetial harm done to any hamsters, servers, browsers or wallets. While browsing affected sites with this script is fully legal, downloading illegal copyrighted material still isn't.