Scala/Akka-powered backend for Couchmate.
This repository is an old version of Couchmate that I wrote in 2020. I've written Couchmate at least 6 times and this was the second go-around in Scala. It ran in production for about a year until I ended up redoing it in Typescript (for a second time), which is currently in production at
High Level:
- Scala 2.13
- Akka Typed 2.6.5
- Streams
- Cluster/Sharding/Singletons
- Persistence
- Kubernetes Bootstrapping (Akka Management)
- Akka HTTP 10.x
- Slick 3.3.2
- Emitted Typescript Types for Case Classes via scala2ts, a project I wrote specifically for this iteration of Couchmate and the accompanying React Native app.
Couchmate runs two sets of persistent Actors - Users and Rooms. These Actors are sharded within the cluster.
Whenever a user connects to the backend (via Websockets) a Persistent Actor is either created or "woken up" and handles all interaction with the cluster. Rooms are created, however depending on the state of the show, will auto-close or "open" to allow chatting between all the connected sockets. Both Users and Rooms are one bit FSM, that react to Websocket messages that are recieved.
Couchmate runs on Postgres and leverages Slick/Slick Migration API to interface with the database and run reproducable migrations. I actually wrote a pesudo-framework to manage migrations since the available options for Scala aren't great.
I was using Akka Streams + Slick at one point but it became a pain to reason about as things progressed, so I fellback to the Future-based Slick access pattern.