Here is the live version of my project
The application is based on a Guardian newspaper Sudoku puzzle. The difficulty range was inspired by the online version.
My partner's mother, Andrea Tschudi, really enjoys puzzles such as Doplo (also known as Smashed Sums) and Sudoku. As I am more familiar to Sudoku, I thought I would create an application with Andrea Tschudi in mind.
The 3 options are:
This option allows the user to choose their level of difficulty.
- User is asked for their username
- They are then asked for the difficulty level they would like to play
:: Choosing from the following options
- 1 - Easy
- 2 - Medium
- 3 - Hard
- User is then prompted to enter the column letter (A-J, or a-j) and row number (1-9)
- User is then prompted to enter a number 1-9 to be placed in the row and cell they provided in the last prompt
- If the cell they selected already has a number that is part of the puzzle then they will receive feedback informing them that it is not possible to add a number in this cell
- If the cell they selected does not have a number that is not part of the puzzle, then the number will be printed into the grid
- Once there are no more numbers to enter, they user will be prompted to check the solution or exit the game
This option provides the user enter a puzzle that they are struggling
When the user would like to get the solution to a puzzle they have found.
- User is prompted to add 9 rows
- A solution is then printed on the screen
This option provides the user with the instructions if they would like to play the game.
- A Sudoku puzzle is created with a 9 by 9 square (9 rows and 9 columns).
- The 9 by 9 square is also divided into 3 by 3 areas (a total of 9 x 3 by 3 areas).
- Each row, column and 3 by 3 area must contain numbers 1 - 9 (inclusive).
- Numbers cannot be repeated in the row, column nor 3 by 3 area
- Adults
- Children
- Be able to generate a new puzzle
- Add username
- Be able to fill in the Sudoku puzzle
- Be able to choose the difficulty of the puzzle
- Save progress see - Future Implementations
- Time progress see - Future Implementations
- Be able to solve a Sudoku puzzle
- Add numbers in a Sudoku puzzle and generate a solution
- Be able to generate a new puzzle
- Be able to solve a Sudoku puzzle
- Be able to fill in the Sudoku puzzle
- Be able to choose the difficulty of the puzzle
- Try another puzzle with a different difficulty level
- Load previous game and continue playing see - Future Implementations
- See your previous plays at different levels and see if your times have improved see - Future Implementations
Remove numbers from completed board, dependent on difficulty
Flowchart - using recursion remove a set number of numbers from board
Implement separation of concerns see - Future Implementations
- Sudoku
- the main class which creates the grids, a list of list for game
- Game inherits from Sudoku*
see - Future Implementations
- the class adds the interaction prompts
- Style Puzzle
- the class which styles the grid after each guess or when the solver is used, to present a user-friendly Sudoku grid
- User* see - Future Implementations
- A class which will be developed further in future implementations
- Currently, just add the username
- validation
- file dedicated for validation of all prompts
- screen
- helper functions for positioning the cursor using ANSI Escape Characters
- string enums
- file to prevent typos and reusable strings
- global constants
- file for meaningful constants that are used throughout the project
Screenshot of the main menu, on the start of the app
Screenshot of entering username, when Play is chosen from the main menu
Screenshot of entering the difficulty of the puzzle, when Play is chosen from
the main menu
Screenshot of the puzzle dependent on the difficulty chosen
Screenshot of a solved board, when playing the game and when using the solver
Screenshot of the process of what the user needs to do when the Solve
Puzzle option is chosen
The solver prompts the user to add each row for the the puzzle they wish to solve
- Use Google Drive and Google Sheets to:
- Save progress
- Time progress
- Load previous game and continue playing
- See your previous plays at different levels and see if your times have improved
- Allow the user to turn on hints
- When the user is adding numbers to the row and column a hint would be displayed to inform the user that the number and placement are incorrect
- Change the view of the Sudoku grid and provide more feedback
- When the user has completed the puzzle
- Check the numbers are placed correctly
- Show light-green for original puzzle
- Show cyan for user's answers
- Show red or 0 for wrong answers
- Check the numbers are placed correctly
- When the user has completed the puzzle
- Within the code:
- Move the solver to its own class.
- Improve the file structure and separating out concerns further
- Python
- CSS3
- Git
- GitHub
- PyCharm
- including debugging tools
The following libraries were imported:
- pyfiglet
- Used to set font, color and size for application title, to make it stand out
- google.oauth2
- gspread
- copy
- as multiple versions are used for reference during the game and while using the solver
- for creating deep copies of the grid to create different versions of the
- solved puzzle
- puzzle the user starts with
- the updated puzzle that the user fills in
- random
- used in recursion when generating a solved Sudoku puzzle
- randomly select number 1 - 9
- termcolor
- set the color of the numbers in the grid
- one color for the puzzle
- one color for the user's input and the puzzles solved numbers
- set the color of the numbers in the grid
- enum
- create string enums to prevent typos and make data consistent
Before deploying, ensure a requirements.txt file in the project repository.
To create the requirements.txt file, run the following command from the terminal in the project.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Create or login into the Heroku account
- On the account's landing page, click "Create new app."
- Give the project a name and name the app
- Select Europe for the region and confirm by clicking "Create app."
- Click on the "Settings" tab
- Click "Reveal Config Vars" to add the following environment variables.
Click "Add" after adding each key-value pair:
- key: PORT; value: 8000
- copy and paste any other json credentials that are required to connect to additional APIs
- Click "Add buildpack". Add the following in this order and click "Save
changes" for each selection:
- python
- nodejs
- Click on the "Deploy" tab
- Select GitHub and confirm
- Search for the name of the project's repository and click "Connect."
- Click on "Enable Automatic Deploys"
- Click "Code" at the top of the list of files on the repository page
- Clone the repository using HTTPS and click on the copy icon at the end of the input
- Locally, using the terminal, navigate to the chosen directory
- Copy the project using the following command:
git clone THE_URL_COPIED
- Type the following command and then enter
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(orpip install -r requirements. txt
for Python 2)
For when you wish to contribute and share suggestions
- Click "Fork" in the top right-hand corner of the repository page
- The settings will automatically choose the GitHub logged in user as the owner of the forked repository
- Optional: change the name of the repository
- Options: add a description
- Click "Create fork."
Client Goals | Implementation | Tested | Successful |
Be able to generate a new puzzle | Choose from main menu | Yes | Yes |
Add username | Prompt to enter username | Yes | Yes |
Be able to fill in the Sudoku puzzle | Prompt to add row and column | Yes | Yes |
Be able to choose the difficulty of the puzzle | Prompt to choose difficulty | Yes | Yes |
Add numbers in a Sudoku puzzle and generate a solution | Choose from main menu and add numbers in each row | Yes | Yes |
First Time Visitor Goals | Implementation | Tested | Successful |
Be able to solve a Sudoku puzzle | See the entered puzzle and see the solution | Yes | Yes |
Be able to play fill in the Sudoku puzzle | For each cell (chosen by row and column) a number is added to the puzzle | Yes | Yes |
Be able to choose the difficulty of the puzzle | Dependent on the difficulty chosen, the puzzle will generate a set of missing numbers | Yes | Yes |
Return Visitor Goals | Implementation | Tested | Successful |
Try another puzzle with a different difficulty level | Start another game and choose another difficulty level | Yes | Yes |
Bug / Errors | Where / Location | Remarks | Fixed | Solution |
inputting a number higher than 3 does not show an error message | Starting page | Yes | Add validation to handle this error. | |
input 2: nothing happens. the user cannot go back after that | Starting page | Yes | Removed unset option | |
input 3 leads to 2 (enter your own puzzle) this was not clear to me | Starting page | Yes | This was resolved when the correct number were set to the correct option | |
once puzzle is entered, what you see is slightly off. instructions reach into the puzzle | Enter your own puzzle | Yes | Fixed alignment by removing newlines and adding ANSI characters | |
when i try starting to solve my own puzzle i enter e.g. 1a then enter and baam. i am back on the home screen | Enter your own puzzle | Yes | Fixed the logic of reprinting the grid instead than going back to the initial options | |
maybe use another command to go back (like return). enter is needed to solve puzzle | Enter your own puzzle | Yes | Back prompt added to page for enter your own - Also changed this page to Solve your own | |
entering wrong name (capital letters etc.) results in error message showing in the command line | Play | Yes | Clear this input line. Move the cursor and set the message onto the line below the input | |
user can continue by writing over error message | Play | Yes | Clear this input line. Move the cursor and set the message onto the line below the input | |
r shows instead of 1 (looks askew like above at the BUT). the r seems to be from the word number at the far right side | Play | Yes | Fixed alignment by removing newlines and adding ANSI characters, as some lines were being overwritten | |
after entering number the title SUDOKU is overwritten by ABC DEF GHI | Play | Yes | Fixed alignment by removing newlines and adding ANSI characters | |
top right shows e 9 e 9 e 9 in a vertical column after several inputs | Play | Yes | Fixed alignment by removing newlines and adding ANSI characters | |
Able to add blank username | Play | Yes | Fixed validation to prevent user from adding a blank username |
All bugs are reported as issues on the repository.
Bug / Errors | Where / Location | Remarks | Fixed | Solution |
user cannot go back after that | Starting page | Unable to duplicate consistently, as it looks like the program stalls occasionally | No | |
using ctrl+c in command line crashes program. error message: keyboard interrupt (tried to copy the error message. a full stop is missing after 3 :) ) | Play | Not sure if this should be fixed | No | Possible solution may be Is there a way to never exit on KeyboardInterrupt in python? |
odd behaviour with cursor outline on the screen when not moving | Play | When the cursor has been idle for a longer time it seems to leave print on the screen | No | |
when the user adds puzzle into the solver, and the puzzle is entered incorrectly the process takes too long to inform the user that the puzzle is unsolvable | Solve your own | Initial feedback shows but a better solution is to either timeout the process or add more feedback in the whole process | No |
Successfully validated each .py extended file with CI Python Linter.
No errors found.
References and guides used:
- 12 Beginner Python Projects
- How to print bold text in Python, in Stackoverflow
- Create ASCII Art Text Banners in Python
- Python libraries
- ANSI Escape Sequences
- ReeEx Testing
- Alphabet range in Python
- How to print Sudoku board using Python class?
- Convert Letter to Numbers and vice versa in Python
- Extend Class Method in Python
All text content and prompts created was kept short and direct. Ensuring the characters would not wrap. Puzzle difficulty was inspired by the Sudoku puzzles printed in the Guardian newspaper
No media, such as images or videos other than screenshots and screencast attached to the README were used for the project.
Huge thanks goes to everyone in the Code Institute Community on Slack, especially the women-in-tech Slack channel. Thanks to their banter and support. Such a great group! In addition, my thanks to the oct-2022-disdcc, especially Mark Cooper, Ger Tobin and Rebecca Tracey-Timoney.
Thanks also goes to Andrea Tschudi for giving me the inspiration to make this game. Also, to Stefan Tschudi for his support and testing.
And last but not least, special thanks to the Codebar community and to Nicolas Beney.