Welcome to my osx-setup. I am a DevOps Engineer by trade and this repo reflects the various tools I use on a daily basis. As with most osx-setup repos, this is a continuous work in progress and is updated as the systems and applications I work on evolve or my tool preferences change.
This script will install and configure the following applications:
- adobe reader
- aerial
- anaconda
- apache-directory-studio
- appcleaner
- atom
- awscli
- caffeine
- chefdk
- curl
- docker
- dropbox
- firefox
- flux
- git
- go
- google chrome
- google drive
- hadoop
- homebrew
- intellij-idea-ce
- iterm2
- java
- jq
- meld
- nodejs
- openssl
- packer
- postman
- pycharm-ce
- python
- ruby
- sbt
- spectacle
- spotify
- slack
- transmission
- vagrant
- vim
- virtualbox
- wget
- wireshark
Command line Tools for Xcode are required by Homebrew and various other applications. You can install them using the commands below or let Homebrew install them for you during its installation process.
# install xcode tools
$ xcode-select --install
You will need Administrator level permissions to complete this setup. Enjoy!
# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/hansohn/osx-setup.git
# execute the installer
$ osx-setup/bootstrap.sh