Releases: hapifhir/org.hl7.fhir.core
Releases · hapifhir/org.hl7.fhir.core
Validator Changes
- Rework -re-package to actually work
- Fix bug where reslicing not being processed properly when parent profile already sliced the element
- Improve tx test result message
- Prohibit ., $ and | in SearchParameter.code.
- Rename http.disabled + refactor proxy setting (#1916)
Other code changes
- Fix up ResourceWrapperR4 to work properly, and test it
- Add _datatype slice when converting extensions to R4
- Fix consistency problem in name presentation generating slices
- Fix profiles & tags being omitted rendering resources
- Clean up confusing message in slice processing
- Update test cases for Java 21 changes to date formats
- Regenerate PO files
Validator Changes
- no changes
Other code changes
- More work around related IGs
- Add support for peer dependencies in NPM packages
- Update language translation files
- Fix default-valueset-version test cases
- Remove spurious logging code
Validator Changes
- Fix detection of HL7 core vs affiliate specifications
- Fix bug failing to compare large valuesets correctly when generating snapshots
- Add ReferenceDestinationType to IPolicyAdvisor.policyForReference (breaking change)
Other code changes
- Fix bug processing languages when processing value set from server
- Bump owasp dependency check version
- Rework how other version packages are generated, and recast extensions for older versions
- Improve Binary rendering
- Add support for R6 MolecularDefinition
- Fix bug rendering test plans
- Support R5 natively in txtests
- fix illegal URL on compositional SCT codes
- Add subscription Conversion R4 - R5
- Support for CDS-hooks extension type when writing json
Validator Changes
- Pass context locale through to terminology server
- Fix error validating valid internal codes in supplements
- Delay text check on coded entries for performance and integrity reasons
- Properly Process all-slice element definitions when generating snapshots
- Add warnings about IG status for HL7 IGs
- Fix NPE validating code systems
Other code changes
- Refactor Utilities & TextFile classes
- Fixes for thread & synchronicity issues in snapshot generation
- Only use one method for detecting snapshot generation
- Fix referenced parameters object in copy
- Support non-FHIR logical models in element model parsing and composing
- Render displayLanguage when rendering value set expansion
- Hack around broken link in R4 ServiceRequest definition when rendering
- Add support for advisors in test cases and fix ecosystem use in testcases
- rebuild tx cache after release of new extensions pack
- Add test case for R4 rendering
- Support for openEHR WebTemplates (loading, rendering, very draft)
- Update operation renderer to support allowedType
- Fixing tests for slicing pro-processing
This release marks the beginning of a process of refactoring the HAPI core code.
We are trimming and refactoring the core model code to reduce dependencies. As part
of this, we will be culling all the old unmaintained code in the older versions. In
addition, we will be moving all the terminology, rendering, view definition, and
validation related code to a new partner package for R4, R4B, and R5.
This change is planned for July 2025. This release starts the process of marking the
code with annotations to indicate its proposed fate:
- @deprecated classes will be deleted in July 2025 unless users raise issues with that
- @MarkedToMoveToAdjunctPackage is code that will move the other package
- Code with no annotations will not move or be deleted
Validator Changes
- Add HL7 CodeSystem display and definition checks
- Add Matchetype validator
- Add to snapshot generation
- Optimize the JSON parsing in NpmPackageIndexBuilder.seeFile (#1898) (faster loading)
- Fix stack crash when structure definitions are circular
- Fix error reporting duplicate contained IDs when contained resources are sliced by a profile
- Allow cardinality changes in obligation profiles (but not recommended)
- Fix bug with wrongly processing -ips#(v) parameter
- Add underscore to regex to be able to use underscore in Bundle URLs
Other code changes
- Refactor FileUtilities and other Utilities classes
- fix element order in Element.forceElement()
- fix NPE in patient renderer
- Resource Factory updates for loading generated resources in IG publisher
- Fix intermittent thread issue in Date rendering
Validator Changes
- Add check for duplicate ids on contained resources
- fix bug looking up code system
- fix bug for cross-version extension containing escaped [x]
- Look for cs on other server in missed location
- fix bug accessing code system from other terminology server if no version specified
- upgrade tx tests to make optionality dependent on mode
- upgrade tx-task in validator to handle more repackaging functionality (and fix bugs)
- Add matchetype pattern validation
- validate displaylanguage when validating codes
- policyAdvisor for CodeSystem and Valueset validation
Other code changes
- Possible fix for an NPE reported bu a user with no context
- Use BCP 47 language tag instead of Java Locale toString
- fix bug parsing
tag in xhtml - handling<
Validator Changes
- New Feature: Validating references: parameters -check-references and -resolution-context
- New Feature: Use AI Service to validate CodeableConcept.text (very experimental)
- Add AI validation tests as a command line option (-aiTests)
- Dont enforce code system property references to standard properties in R4 (R4 hack workaround)
- Correctly handle supplements when validating based on expansions
- Fix issues with version dependent resolution of correct server for implicit value sets
- Better handle failure to find imported value sets when expanding
- correct error handling for expansion failure
- Correct grammar in language about resource not being valid against a profile
- use IPS 2.0.0 for
, not an old copy - Fix NPE generating snapshots with expansions
- Rework
to support additional test files and improve R4/R5 logging - Fix bugs in RulesDrivenPolicyAdvisor
- Accept property in CodeSystem without requiring it be backed by a code
- Add issue when extension is deprecated
Other code changes
- Track & report expansion source when rendering ValueSet expansions
- Render ValueSet supplement dependencies
- Add server headers to fhir-settings.json
- find places where ManagedFileAccess was missed
- Fix Actor rendering in obligations tables
- Renderer: move xml-no-order to tools ig
- Resource Factory: support for range in sheet for instance generation (#1881)
Validator Changes
- Do not create issue about draft dependency for example bindings
- Beef up validation of CodeSystem properties that are codes
- Make sure all validation messages have a message id
- Validator enforce version-set-specific value for Extension and Extension context
- Specific Error when ValueSet.compose.include.system refers to a ValueSet
- Fix NPE processing code system supplements
Other code changes
- Report count of tests in output from TxTester
- resolve issues with references between IGs to example resources
- Lookup compliesWithProfile target from link-only dependencies
- Update SNOMED editions related routines (add more editions)
- Accessibility - role=presentation on appropriate tables
- Add support for ADL in packages
- Support for Archetype processing in IG publisher
- Lazy load binaries for reduced memory usage
Validator Changes
- No changes
Other code changes
- Fix cardinality generation in Element Table
Validator Changes
- Validate that ConceptMap references to ValueSets are actual value sets
- Check if abstract classes have concrete subtypes in scope
- Handle tx ecosystem failure properly
- fix for CLI Should Fail with Non-Zero Exit Code on TX Test Errors
Other code changes
- Add support for multiple lines in the first cell in heirarchical tables
- Also add support for suppressing lines and inner borders
- Add support for table.rows in TestDataFactory
- Add Element View for non-technical readers of profiles
- Improved Rendering for Timing Datatype
- Fix for handling SD extensions when generating snapshots
- Dont remove bindings from types with characteristics = can-bind (Extensions in R5)
- Various minor Fixes for generating snapshots for archetypes (checking type parameters)
- Fix logback configs + update logback (#1868)
- .qos.logback-logback-core-1.5.13: Fix inclusion of logback-test in jar and fix classpath log configs
- Fix LoggingPolicy enum (use SLF4J)