# OSLearn
OSLearn is an open-source learning resource database that collects submissions from students that can be approved and released to the entire class by course administrators for future usage.
## Installation/Initialization
\1. Download and unzip the SWEGroup8.zip file.
\2. Open the resulting directory in your IDE of choice (IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc.)
\3. Compile the project.
\4. Run the application.
\5. Open up browser of choice, then enter: "localhost:8080" into the address bar and hit enter. This will open the web application for usage.
## Usage
Users: Login utilizing user credentials listed below. Home screen will present user with several options, including creation of new submission (top right corner), viewing of approved submissions (All Submissions), as well as the status of the user's specific submissions (My Submissions). If a new submission is created, it will be sent to the administrator and will await approval. Once approved, it will be available for all users to see and access.
Administrator: Login utilizing admin credentials listed below. Home screen will present user with several options, including creation of new course (top right corner), viewing of all submissions (All Submissions), as well as pending submissions (Pending Submissions) that require approval in order to be released and available for all students to gain access to.
## Credentials
Admin Login Credentials:
admin, password
User Login Credentials:
stoneSWE, password
ericSWE, password
zachSWE, password
## Developers
Developed by Team Stozaric, comprised of Eric McGuirk, Zachary Deptula, and Stone Blumauer for CEN3031 Introduction to Software Engineering.
## GitHub Link