- This is a terminal app which works with human language commands.
- It is developed in Node.js without any framework or external library.
- This is the client side of the project. There is not so much logic in it. You can find the server side of it in there: https://github.com/hcoz/sem-cli-serverless
You can install as a npm package. I recommend global install but it is up to you!
npm install sem-cli -g
- sem-look: It is for showing the corresponding command for your message.
sem-look <your message in human language>
You can use the all languages which are supported by Wit.ai To check list of all languages, visit https://wit.ai/faq
Here is the example:
sem-look list files
You can also add arguments to your messages by using this notation p="<argument>"
Here is the example:
sem-look compare files p="a.txt b.txt"
It will return Your command: "cmp a.txt b.txt" with danger level: "low"
for MacOS
- sem-exec: It is for executing the corresponding command for your message.
sem-exec <your message in human language>
You can use the all languages which are supported by Wit.ai To check list of all languages, visit https://wit.ai/faq
Here is the example:
sem-exec list files
You can also add arguments to your messages by using this notation p="<argument>"
Here is the example:
sem-exec list files p="subdir"
It will show the files under <your current directory>/<subdir>
- sem-suggest: It is for suggesting a new (intent, command, dangerLevel) triple to extend the database
- intent: It is a short explanation for the purpose of this command. It will be the key of this triple
- command: It is the related command. (Please suggest a command which is working on your current operating system)
- dangerLevel: It shows how dangerous to run this command. It can be "low", "medium" or "high". ("high" dangerous commands will not be run before a client approval)
The order of parameters is important. Please use same as the shown below.
sem-suggest intent="<intent>" command="<command>" dangerLevel="<dangerLevel>"
Here is the example:
sem-suggest intent="list_files" command="ls" dangerLevel="low"