- Tristan Engen
- Benjamin Lui
- Maikol Chow Wang
- Timmy Lau
- Michael Lin
- Download and install Node https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Install Angluar cli
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Install dependencies for frontend and backend.
We have "ClientFront", "AdminFront", and "Backend" directories and you will need to install all the dependencies for each of the directories seperately.
$ In order to run this project you'll need:
$ Node version: Node Versions less than or equal to 16.* (We're using 16.20.2)
$ Node Version Manager - This will allow you to configure the required Node version for this project
$ Use the following command to set the correct Node version: nvm use 16.20.2
$ cd /Backend
$ npm install
$ cd ../ClientFront // or AdminFront
$ npm install
$ cd ../Backend
$ npm start
$ cd ../ClientFront // or AdminFront
$ ng serve // or npm start
$ cd ../ClientFront
$ ng serve --port <specified port>
$ Example: ng serve --port 8080