[IMPROVEMENT] New Commands
Import configuration to current application. #441
Clear login failed attempts for an account. #769 #783
Export a specific content type and their fields. #787
Export single configuration as yml file. #818
[FIX] Remove closing bracket from FieldFormatter template #779
[FIX] Generated FieldFormatters, FieldTypes and FieldWidgets are wrong directory #780
[IMPROVEMENT] Add site helper #784
[IMPROVEMENT] Implement SiteHelper #785
[IMPROVEMENT] Migrate travis to container-based infrastructure #786
[FIX] Loose twig dependency #788
[IMPROVEMENT] Move password:hash
and password:reset
to user
namespace #791
[FIX] Rename EntityListController to EntityListBuilder. #793
[FIX] Refactor User Commands #795
[IMPROVEMENT] Disable phpmd and phpdcd from phpqa.yml config file #796
[FIX] Generate entity content permission #797 #798
[FIX] Remove extra string on when system throws an exception #799
[IMPROVEMENT] Invoke UserLoginCleanAttemptsCommand within UserPasswordResetCommand enhancement fixed #801 #811
[FIX] Wrong handling of Entity::save() return value #803
[FiX] Use {@inheritdoc } #804
[FIX] Typos in english translations #805
[FIX] generate:entity:config
doesn't create "collection" property under links section of links #807 #809
[FIX] generate:entity:config
"The "foo" entity type did not specify a list_builder handler #808 #809
[FIX] Apply phpqa using PSR2 standards. #812
[FIX] Enable download of drupal outside drupal enhancement #815 #816 #817
[FIX] Yaml plugin discovery should returns TranslationWrappers #819 #820
[IMPROVEMENT] Update composer option VALUE_OPTIONAL with VALUE_NONE #821
You can’t perform that action at this time.