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Bug fixes, improved numerical accuracy
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helske committed May 23, 2014
1 parent 99b0dd1 commit 5d1d139
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Showing 13 changed files with 331 additions and 311 deletions.
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions ChangeLog
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
Changes from Version 1.0.3 to 1.0.4:
* Corrected output of LogLik method for non-Gaussian models: It now returns Inf only when the
approximation algoritm failed completely (resulting NA), and issues only warning about
* Tweaked the underlying algorithms for increased numerical stability of filtering and smoothing
in KFS. Note that it is still possible that exact diffuse initialization fails due to to numerical
issues whereas traditional 'big value' approach works and vice versa.
* Corrected a bug in residuals.KFS which threw an error when computing recursive residuals without
diffuse initialization.
* Corrected output of LogLik method for non-Gaussian models: It now returns -Inf only when the
approximation algoritm failedcompletely (resulting NA), and issues only warning about
non-convergence in other cases.
* Added checks of degenerate model to LogLik method. If all elements in R, Q and H/u are zero, or
they contain any non-finite values, -Inf is returned.
* Corrected a bug in approximation algorithm which caused the approximation to fail for seemingly
* Fixed a bug in approximation algorithm which caused the approximation to fail for seemingly
random models.
* Fixed a bug in SSMcycle which caused error with common components.
* Fixed bug in SSMcycle which resulted erroneus system matrix T in all cases.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Maintainer: Jouni Helske <[email protected]>
R (>= 3.0.0)
Imports: stats
Suggests: MASS, minqa, testthat
Suggests: MASS, nloptr, testthat
Description: Package KFAS provides functions for Kalman filtering, smoothing,
forecasting and simulation of multivariate exponential family state space
models with exact diffuse initialization when distributions of some or all
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89 changes: 0 additions & 89 deletions MD5

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/KFAS-package.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
#' data=Seatbelts,H=matrix(NA,2,2))
#' likfn<-function(pars,model,estimate=TRUE){
#' model$H[,,1]<-exp(0.5*pars[1:2])
#' diag(model$H[,,1])<-exp(0.5*pars[1:2])
#' model$H[1,2,1]<-model$H[2,1,1]<-tanh(pars[3])*prod(sqrt(exp(0.5*pars[1:2])))
#' model$R[28:29]<-exp(pars[4:5])
#' if(estimate) return(-logLik(model))
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions R/KFS.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ KFS <- function(model, filtering, smoothing, simplify = TRUE, transform = c("ldl

if(all(model$distribution == "gaussian")){
filtering <- "state"
filtering <- "state"
} else filtering <- "none"
} else{
filtering <- match.arg(arg = filtering,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ KFS <- function(model, filtering, smoothing, simplify = TRUE, transform = c("ldl
} else KFS_transform <- "none"
filtersignal<-("signal"%in%filtering) || ("mean"%in%filtering)
storage.mode(ymiss) <- "integer"

filterout <- .Fortran(fkfilter, NAOK = TRUE, model$y, ymiss, as.integer(tv), model$Z, model$H, model$T,
model$R, model$Q, model$a1, P1 = model$P1, model$P1inf, as.integer(p),
as.integer(n), as.integer(m),as.integer(k), d = integer(1), j = integer(1),
Expand All @@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ KFS <- function(model, filtering, smoothing, simplify = TRUE, transform = c("ldl

if (filterout$d == n & filterout$j == p)
warning("Model is degenerate, diffuse phase did not end.")
if (filterout$d > 0 & m > 1 & !isTRUE(all.equal(min(apply(filterout$Pinf, 3, diag)), 0)))
if (filterout$d > 0 & m > 1 & min(apply(filterout$Pinf, 3, diag))<0)
warning("Possible error in diffuse filtering: Negative variances in Pinf,
try changing the tolerance parameter tol of the model.")
if (sum(filterout$Finf > 0) != sum(diag(model$P1inf)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,6 +435,7 @@ KFS <- function(model, filtering, smoothing, simplify = TRUE, transform = c("ldl

if (!("none"%in%smoothing)) {

smoothout <- .Fortran(fgsmoothall, NAOK = TRUE, ymiss, as.integer(tv), model$Z, model$H,
model$T, model$R, model$Q, as.integer(p), as.integer(n), as.integer(m),
as.integer(k), filterout$d, filterout$j, filterout$a, filterout$P,
Expand All @@ -449,13 +451,14 @@ KFS <- function(model, filtering, smoothing, simplify = TRUE, transform = c("ldl
epshat = array(0, dim = c(p, n)), V_eps = array(0, dim = c(p, n)),
etahat = array(0, dim = c(k, n)), V_eta = array(0, dim = c(k, k, n)),
thetahat = array(0, dim = c(p, n)), V_theta = array(0, dim = c(p, p, n)),
as.integer(KFS_transform=="ldl" && ("signal" %in% smoothing || "mean" %in% smoothing)),
{if (KFS_transform=="ldl" && ("signal" %in% smoothing || "mean" %in% smoothing)) out$model$Z else double(1)},
as.integer(KFS_transform=="ldl" && ("signal" %in% smoothing || "mean" %in% smoothing)), {if (KFS_transform=="ldl" && ("signal" %in% smoothing || "mean" %in% smoothing)) out$model$Z else double(1)},
as.integer(dim(out$model$Z)[3]>1), as.integer(KFS_transform != "augment"),
as.integer("state" %in% smoothing), as.integer("disturbance" %in% smoothing),
as.integer(("signal" %in% smoothing || "mean" %in% smoothing)))

if (m > 1 & min(apply(smoothout$V, 3, diag))<0)
warning("Possible error in smoothing: Negative variances in V,
try changing the tolerance parameter tol of the model.")

if ("state" %in% smoothing) {
out$alphahat <- ts(t(smoothout$alphahat),start=start(model$y),frequency=frequency(model$y))
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions R/SSMseasonal.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ SSMseasonal <- function(period, sea.type = c("dummy", "trigonometric"), type, Q,
sea.type <- match.arg(arg = sea.type)

if (!(length(period) == 1 & period > 1 & abs(period - round(period)) == 0))
stop("Period of the seasonal component must be integer larger than 1.")

if (!(length(period) == 1 & period > 1))
stop("Period of the seasonal component must be larger than 1.")
period <- floor(period)
m1 <- period - 1

Z_univariate <- matrix(0, 1, m1)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/logLik.SSModel.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ logLik.SSModel <- function(object, nsim = 0, antithetics = TRUE, theta,
convtol, as.integer(nnd), as.integer(nsim), epsplus, etaplus, aplus1, c2, object$tol, info = integer(1), as.integer(antithetics),
as.integer(sim), nsim2, as.integer(nd), as.integer(length(nd)),diff=double(1))
if (!is.finite(out$diff)){
warning("Non-finite difference in approximation algoritm. Returning -Inf.")
warning("Non-finite difference in approximation algoritm.")
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions R/residuals.KFS.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ residuals.KFS <- function(object, type = c("recursive","deviance", "pearson", "r
if (is.null(object[["a",exact=TRUE]]))
stop("KFS object needs to contain filtered estimates of states. ")
series <- object$v
series[1:(object$d - 1), ] <- NA
series[object$d, 1:object$j] <- NA
response = {
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30 changes: 27 additions & 3 deletions man/predict.SSModel.Rd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
\title{State Space Model Predictions}
\method{predict}{SSModel}(object, newdata, interval = c("none", "confidence",
"prediction"), level = 0.95, type = c("response", "link"),
\method{predict}{SSModel}(object, newdata, n.ahead, interval = c("none",
"confidence", "prediction"), level = 0.95, type = c("response", "link"),
states = NULL, = FALSE, nsim = 0, prob = TRUE, maxiter = 50,
Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,15 @@

\item{newdata}{A compatible \code{SSModel} object to be
added in the end of the old object for which the
predictions are required.}
predictions are required. If omitted, predictions are
either for the whole data (fitted values), or if argument
\code{n.ahead} is given, \code{n.ahead} time steps

\item{n.ahead}{Number of steps ahead at which to predict.
Only used if \code{newdata} is omitted. Note that when
using \code{n.ahead}, object cannot contain time varying
system matrices.}

\item{interval}{Type of interval calculation.}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,4 +78,20 @@ distribution \eqn{p(y|\theta^i)}.
If no simulations are used, the standard errors in response
scale are computed using delta method.


22 changes: 5 additions & 17 deletions src/approx.f95
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ subroutine approx(yt, ymiss, timevar, zt, tt, rtv, ht, qt, a1, p1,p1inf, p,n,m,r
!compute rqr
tv = max(timevar(4),timevar(5))
do i=1, (n-1)*tv+1
call dsymm('r','u',m,r,1.0d0,qt(:,:,(i-1)*timevar(5)+1),r,rtv(:,:,(i-1)*timevar(4)+1),m,0.0d0,mr,m)
call dgemm('n','n',m,r,r,1.0d0,rtv(:,:,(i-1)*timevar(4)+1),m,&
call dgemm('n','t',m,m,r,1.0d0,mr,m,rtv(:,:,(i-1)*timevar(4)+1),m,0.0d0,rqr(:,:,i),m)
end do

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,18 +69,13 @@ subroutine approx(yt, ymiss, timevar, zt, tt, rtv, ht, qt, a1, p1,p1inf, p,n,m,r
do i=1,n
if(ymiss(i,j).EQ.0) then
!ht(j,j,i) = exp(theta(i,j))/(u(i,j)*yt(i,j))
!ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j)+1.0d0-exp(theta(i,j))/yt(i,j)
ht(j,j,i) =1.0d0/u(i,j) !1.0d0
ht(j,j,i) =1.0d0/u(i,j)
ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j)+yt(i,j)/exp(theta(i,j))-1.0d0
end if
end do
do i=1,n
if(ymiss(i,j).EQ.0) then
!ht(j,j,i) = (exp(theta(i,j))+u(i,j))**2/(u(i,j)*exp(theta(i,j))*(yt(i,j)+u(i,j)))
!ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j) + ht(j,j,i)*u(i,j)*(yt(i,j)-exp(theta(i,j)))/(u(i,j)+exp(theta(i,j)))
!ht(j,j,i) = u(i,j)*exp(theta(i,j))/(u(i,j)+exp(theta(i,j)))
ht(j,j,i) = (1.0d0/u(i,j)+1.0d0/exp(theta(i,j)))
ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j)+yt(i,j)/exp(theta(i,j))-1.0d0
end if
Expand All @@ -89,14 +85,12 @@ subroutine approx(yt, ymiss, timevar, zt, tt, rtv, ht, qt, a1, p1,p1inf, p,n,m,r

muhat = theta
call mu(dist,u,n,p,muhat)
call deviance(yt,muhat,u,ymiss,n,p,dist,devold)
call mu(dist,u,n,p,muhat)
call deviance(yt,muhat,u,ymiss,n,p,dist,devold)

do while(diff > convtol .AND. k < maxiter)


rankp2 = rankp

call kfstheta(ytilde, ymiss, timevar, zt, ht,tt, rtv,qt,rqr, a1, p1, p1inf, &
Expand All @@ -121,18 +115,12 @@ subroutine approx(yt, ymiss, timevar, zt, tt, rtv, ht, qt, a1, p1,p1inf, p,n,m,r
do i=1,n
if(ymiss(i,j).EQ.0) then
! ht(j,j,i) = exp(theta(i,j))/(u(i,j)*yt(i,j))
! ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j)+1.0d0-exp(theta(i,j))/yt(i,j)
!ht(j,j,i) = 1.0d0
ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j)+yt(i,j)/exp(theta(i,j))-1.0d0
end if
end do
do i=1,n
if(ymiss(i,j).EQ.0) then
!ht(j,j,i) = (exp(theta(i,j))+u(i,j))**2/(u(i,j)*exp(theta(i,j))*(yt(i,j)+u(i,j)))
!ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j) + ht(j,j,i)*u(i,j)*(yt(i,j)-exp(theta(i,j)))/(u(i,j)+exp(theta(i,j)))
!ht(j,j,i) = u(i,j)*exp(theta(i,j))/(u(i,j)+exp(theta(i,j)))
ht(j,j,i) = (1.0d0/u(i,j)+1.0d0/exp(theta(i,j)))
ytilde(i,j) = theta(i,j)+yt(i,j)/exp(theta(i,j))-1.0d0
end if
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