- Configuration and install files for the software and OSs below.
- Archlinux
- Gentoo
- OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
- Fedora
- Void Linux
- FreeBSD
- Debian
- OpenBSD
- Fedora
- Raspian
- MacOS
- HaikuOS
- Mint Linux
- Solus Linux
- Ubuntu
- Bedrock Linux
- Clear Linux
- Linux From Scratch
- FreeNAS
- OpenCore
- Vanilla
- Qubes
- Tails
- ddwrt
- pfsense
Name | Description |
vim-surround | surroundings parentheses, brackets, quotes, etc |
vim-commentary | code commenting |
vim-trailing-whitespace | remove trailing whitespace |
vim-subversive | search and replace tool |
syntastic | code syntax checker (linter) |
ale | code syntax checker (linter) |
coc | code nmd |
nvim-treesitter | nmd |
haskell-vim | code nmd |
neoformat | code formatting |
vim-closetag | closing tags for html |
quick-scope | color movements |
vim-zoom | toggle zoom of current window |
vim-easymotion | Improvements for motions |
vim-fugitive | git integration |
vim-gitgutter | git status integration |
nvim-colorizer.lua | tool to show colors in vim r,g,b #FFFFFF |
vim-abolish | working with variants of a word |
vim-devicons | Adds filetype glyphs (icons) to various plugins |
vim-airline | line manager |
vim-airline-themes | theme for the airline line manager |
vim-startify | start screen |
vim-sneak | Jump to any location specified by two characters |
vim-highlightedyank | Highlights yanked text |
nerdtree | file manager |
Description | Package |
irc client | erc |
file manager | dired |
music player | emms |
git client | magit |
rss reader | elfeed |
web browser | eww |
Description | Applications |
terminal | kitty, alacritty, st, urxvt |
editor | neovim, emacs, vscodium, intellij, neovide, notepadqq, vscode |
shell | fish, zsh, nushell, bash, dash, ksh, emacs (eshell) |
shell prompt | starship |
zsh plugins | zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions, autojump, zsh-history-substring-search |
file manager | lf, pcmanfm, spacefm |
bar | dzen2, conky, polybar |
launcher | dmenu |
window manager | xmonad, hyperland |
lock screen | i3block |
terminal multiplexer | tmux, screen, tmate |
media player | vlc, mpv, mpd |
software defined radio | gqrx |
spreadsheet | sc-im |
programming languages | java, kotlin, haskell, rust, python, javascript, scala, groovy |
frameworks | SpringBoot, Micronaut, React, Ratpack |
containerization | docker, podman |
hypervisor | kvm, qemu, bhyve |
remote desktop server | xrdp |
remote desktop client | xfreerdp |
irc client | irssi, emacs (erc) |
network packet tools | tcpdump, wireshark |
markdown viewer | glow |
browser | brave, librewolf firefox, ddgr, lynx, elinks |
database client | dbeaver, psql, sqlplus |
database server | postgresql, influx, mongodb, elastic |
astronomy | stellarium |
notes | standard note |
font | monofur, FiraCode, Symbola |
theme | dracula |
audio player | cmus, mpd, cantata, ncmpcpp, emacs (emms) |
audio player daemon | mpd |
image converter | imagemagik |
image viewer | sxiv, feh, chafa |
wallpaper manager | feh |
burning images | cdrecord, wodim, k3b |
podcast client | newsboat, castget |
process viewer | btop, htop, glances, gotop |
email client | neomutt, mutt |
wii game emulator | dolphin-emu |
cloud storage | nextcloud, dropbox |
games | xonotic, wesnoth, 0ad |
game platform | minigalaxy, steam, lutris |
pdf reader | zathura |
calendar | calcurse |
log reader | lnav |
package manager | yay, pacman, brew, apt, dnf, emerge, pkg, eopkg, flatpak, snap, nix |
open | xdg-open |
screen shot | flameshot |
encryption tools | gnupg, keybase |
terminal screen saver | cmatrix |
window detailer | xprop |
image clone | dd, etcher |
source control client | git, lazygit, tig, emacs (magit) |
video chat/chat | discord, slack, zoom, telegram |
image editor | gimp |
compositor | compton |
video editor | openshot, kdenlive |
video transcoder | handbrake, ffmpeg |
video chat server | jitsi |
audio editor/recorder | audacity, ardour |
vector graphics | inkscape |
3D creation | blender |
desktop manager | sddm |
clipboard manager | copyq, clipmenu |
color temperature tool | redshift |
password manager | kepassxc, pass, passmenu, pass-otp, gopass |
gtk theme tool | lxappearance |
audio mixer | amixer, ncpamixer |
screen recorder | simplescreenrecorder |
disk space | ncdu |
calculator | qalculate-gtk |
diff tool | meld |
ctags | ctags-universal |
certificate management | xca |
security tool | yubioath-desktop |
phone file transfer | kdeconnect |
typing | ttyper |
blocking | hblock |
internet speed | speedtest-cli |
compression tools | PeaZip |
disk writing tool | dd, gnome-disk-utility |
multi iso to flashdrive | ventoy |
tray | trayer, tint2 |
volume control | volumeicon, volctl |
iso image writer | dd, usbimagewriter |
file share | syncthing, kdeconnect |
- c - ccls
- bash - npm i -g bash-language-server
- haskell - [email protected]:haskell/haskell-language-server.git
- fsharp - fsharp_language_server
- kotlin - [email protected]:fwcd/kotlin-language-server.git
- javascript -
- java -
- groovy -
- python -
- go - gopls
- rust -
- scala -
- steam
- arduino
- tint2
- team viewer
- twint - twitter client
- beeflang
- https://lightningmanic.github.io/
- owncloud
- mumble
- webmin
- termonad
- taskwarrior
- https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html - for ISOs
- translate-shell - trans -t de "hi"
- http://dotshare.it/
- pip install mlbv
- pip install holehe
- lazygit - go get github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit
- lazydocker - go get github.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker
- tdrop
- trayer (non-polybar)
- polkit settings manager - lxsession
- mpdris2
- playerctl
- git clone https://github.com/sdushantha/fontpreview
- https://vim-bootstrap.com
- sqlite
- vimb - vim based web browser
- procs - rust rewrite of ps [cargo install procs]
- bat - is a cat alternative
- how2 - stack overflow - sudo npm add -g how-2
- skim (sk) - rust rewrite of fzf [cargo install skim]
- try this nvim setup - git clone [email protected]:ChristianChiarulli/nvim.git
- zbar - zbarimg - decodes barcodes into text
- stacer - electron clean up
- eix - gentoo search
- stack install pandoc
- ncdu - tui disk space checker
- abook - address book
- spamassassin - spam email removal
- osquery - osqueryi is a virtual database tool
- yay -S archiver - the arc tool
- [email protected]:sagb/alttab.git - alt tab for a minimal WM
- sudo pacman -S usbview
- neovide - gui vim [cargo install neovide]
- fd-find - find replacement [cargo install fd-find]
- ripgrep - grep replacement [cargo install ripgrep]
- stow for managing symlinks for dotfiles
- pstree
- hyperfine - performance tester
- kmonad - keyboard customizer [yay -S kmonad]
- wallpaper changer [git clone https://github.com/thevinter/styli.sh]
- wallpaper downloader [git clone [email protected]:pystardust/waldl.git]
- raspberrypi.home.arpa
- tree
- kitty +kitten icat ./keepassxc.png
- Byobu - frontend for tmux
- pwgen