A collection of links that can be used for Bluemix hands-on workshops and labs. Note: it is entirely possible that one or more tutorials or labs are outdated and no longer working. Before using any of them you should test them.
Before you start, you want to make sure all your participants are registered with Bluemix and Bluemix DevOps Services. The instructions are:
- Go to https://hub.jazz.net
- Click “Sign up” at the top left (if you already have an IBM id, test it out by clicking “Log in”).
- After Signing up, check the email you registered with and click the link to verify your account
- Try to “Log in” to https://hub.jazz.net once your email is verified
- Pick an alias to use on Bluemix DevOps Services (this alias will be part of the URL of any projects you create there and also be the basis of your profile there).
- Done! You are now set to start the lab exercises.
- Deploy a Starfighter game to Bluemix: https://github.com/cttttt/starfighter
- Deploy a Personality Insights App to Bluemix (requires Twitter account): https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/personality-insights-nodejs
- For other watson labs, see the repos under https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis App (requires Twitter): https://github.com/hermansb/SentimentAnalysis
- Experimental Slack and Sauce labs integration: https://github.com/oneibmcloud/devops-tutorial-2
- Lots of workshop links: http://bluelabs.mybluemix.net/workshops/
- Bluemix DevOps Services docs & tutorials: https://hub.jazz.net/docs (specifically https://hub.jazz.net/tutorials/ )
- An Overview of IBM Bluemix DevOps Services: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJesera9jR0
- Teaser for what's next for Bluemix DevOps Services: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fu5_f6VRAY ( https://new-console.ng.bluemix.net/devops/ )
- Feel free to send pull requests for links to any tutorials or labs that you know of/use.