This repository contains code to simulate the dynamics of an underwater vehicle in 3 degrees of freedom. The simulation can be easily configured for use with any underwater vehicle by modifying the model parameters in file 2. One can implement a variety of controllers by modifying one of the existing control functions(4 and 5 below) or writing their own control function. The results of the simulation can be visualized using the plot functions (7-12 below). Function 12 creates a dashboard that shows an animation the vehicle executing the given task and also provides time-synced state information and control input information. See the image below for a screenshot of this dashboard.
Modify the path and file name in the file plot_trajectory_2D.m to choose where to save the video created.
In sim_3DOF.m, choose how you want to view results (static plots/animation) by commenting out the other section. If you try and use both methods simultaneously, the animation gets splits across the wrong subplots (possibly a bug in Matlab).
Run sim_3DOF.m.
- sim_3DOF.m: script to execute simulation. Run this script
- get_3DOF_modelparams.m: function to set vehicle model parameters
- DYN_3DOF.m: function that evaluates the kinematics and dynamics of the vehicle
- control_3DOF_FA.m: control function for a fully-actuated vehicle
- control_3DOF_UA.m: control function for an under-actuated vehicle
- J2.m: skew-symmetric operator, converts a scalar to so(2)
- plot_graphic_JHUROV.m: plots a graphic of the JHUROV, indicating the COM frame and the l frame
- plot_graphic_Iver.m: plots a graphic of the JHUROV, indicating the COM frame and the l frame (incomplete)
- plot_tank.m: plots a graphic of the Hydrodynamic test tank
- plot_controls_3DOF.m: used to plot the controls once the simulation has run
- plot_states_3DOF.m: used to plot the states once the simulation has run
- plot_trajectory_2D.m: used to make an animation of the vehicle, state and control trajectories, and saves the animation as a avi file
- scratch.m: file used for dubugging purposes only.