MetaProperties are immutable, shared, and fairly lightweight objects.
The MetaProperty class keeps a dictionary of typical MetaProperties by name.
For example, acceptsPoint.
In MetaProperty class >> initializeDictionaries
props at: #acceptsPoint
put: (MetaProperty
kind: Point
editProc: [ :morph :metaProp :menuItem |
open: menuItem
label: (menuItem name asString) ::
morphPosition: morph morphPositionInWorld
+ morph morphExtentInOwner;
MetaProperties are inherited. For example, BoxedMorph inherits from PlacedMorph.
VisualPropertyEditor class >> initialize
classDict := MetaProperty metaPropsDictForClass: PlacedMorph.
classDict at: #layoutSpec put: (propsDict at: #acceptsLayoutSpec).
classDict := MetaProperty metaPropsDictForClass: BoxedMorph.
classDict at: #morphExtent put: (propsDict at: #acceptsPositivePoint).
classDict at: #morphPosition put: (propsDict at: #acceptsPoint).
classDict at: #color put: (propsDict at: #acceptsColor).
classDict at: #borderColor put: (propsDict at: #acceptsColor).
classDict at: #borderWidth put: (propsDict at: #acceptsPositiveInteger).
To get the complete set of MetaProperties for a Morph, one gathers based on the class and its superclasses.
MetaProperty class >> metaPropsForMorph: aMorph
"Answer a combined Dictionary of name->metaProp
by collecting all inherited MetaProps"
| metaPropDict |
metaPropDict := self metaPropsDictForClass: aMorph class.
aMorph class allSuperclassesDo: [ :sc | | dict |
dict := self metaPropsDictForClass: sc.
"supers w same name are ignored, else added"
dict keysAndValuesDo: [ :k :v |
metaPropDict at: k ifAbsentPut: [ v ] ]
^ metaPropDict
Morph VisualPropertyMenuItem
s then know how
to get, set, display, and edit their associated
visual property values.
VisualPropertyMenuItem >>
propName: aSymbol
morph: aMorph
propMeta: aPropertyDescriptor
accessProc: getterClosure
updateProc: setterClosure
super initialize.
name := aSymbol.
targetMorph := aMorph.
metaProperty := aPropertyDescriptor.
prevValue := getterClosure value.
accessProc := getterClosure.
updateProc := setterClosure.
contents: (self displayStringForWidth:
(self owner
ifNil: [60]
ifNotNil: [(self owner morphWidth) - 30])
setIcon: prevValue icon;
target: self selector: #edit arguments: nil;
"Show menuItems are special by text color"
color: ((Color r: 0.6 g: 0.07 b: 0.6) adjustBrightness: -0.2)
That's it! That is the gist of how a Morph's visual properties are handled.
You can use senders to find how the above is used.