Morphic UI widgets and components for general use
These packages are intended to replace Morphic-Misc1 and Morphic-Widgets-Extras with a more useful set of widgets and widget components for Morphic authoring.
Deprecated/superceded packages also include Morphic-ColorEditor and Morph-MetaProperties.
These packages are written for Cuis 6.0.
Morphs considered as components are in packages in the 'lib' directory
Feature require: 'UI-Components'.
Morphs considered tools (LayoutEditor, ColorEditor, MetaProperties, ..) are in packages in the 'tools' directory
Feature require: 'UI-Tools'.
- MultiMenuSelectMenu
- PluggableCheckboxMorph
- CheckGroup
- RadioGroup
- CheckButtonMorph
- RadioButtonMorph
- PluggableListOfMorph
- DropDownButtonMorph
Model and helper classes.
- ListModel
- ListMultiModel
- ValueHolder
- WindowTitleMorph
- SqueezeLabelMorph
- SignMorph
- DropColorMorph
- ClickColorMorph
- FontMorph
- OneLineEditorMorph
- SimpleEditor
- SimpleNumberEntryMorph
- BreadcrumbsPane
- DecoratedPane
- PluggablePane
- Panel
- DialogPanel
- EditPanel
- PluggableDialogPanel
- ValueEntryPanel
- FloatEntryPanel
- RangeFloatEntryPanel
- CharacterEntryPanel
- PointEntryPanel
- PositiveIntegerEntryPanel
- PositiveFloatEntryPanel
- StringEntryPanel
- PluggableScrollBar
- WizardPanel
- ChevronMorph
- DropDownChevronMorph
- CircularToolbarMorph
- CircularSubToolbarMorph
- FilePreviewMorph
- LabelGroup
- WaitSpinner
- WheelMorph
- ColorEditorPanel
- ColorPalette
- ColorPaneMorph
- ColorEditorModel
- ColorSliderMorph
- MorphEditLens
- LayoutMorphEditPanel
- LayoutSpecEditPanel
- VisualPropertyEditor
- VisualPropertyMenuItem
- OrdinaryPropertyMenuItem
- MetaProperty
- MetaPropertyFrom
- MetaPropertyOneOf
- MetaPropertyMultiSelect
- MetaPropertyRange
- MetaPropertyTransducer
- MetaPropertyViaTest
A helper tool to describe dialog panel for user input and validation.
Save combined Morph into a package which requires its dependent code.
- ImagePickerPanel
- PickAColorPalette
- PickAnIconPalette
- PickALargerIconPalette
- PaletteLayoutMorph
- InnerPluggableImagePalette
- PluggableImagePalette
A dialog panel to edit system or application preferences
- EllipseMorph
- FrameMorph
- LineMorph
- PointerLineMorph
- BezierQuadraticMorph
- BezierCubicMorph
Visual Properties of a Morph are in most cases simple values.
As a result, flexible viewing and accessing approaches for these values can be created easily.
Visual Properties can be annotated with MetaProperties so that their construction menu allows easy access.
The MetaProperties package is loaded with other 'UI-Tools'.
Feature require: 'UI-Tools'.
Once you have done this, you can open the World Menu and get a New Morph.
If you then command-click on this Morph, you see the construction handles.
Clicking on the blue Menu button, you will get the Morph's menu. Click the push-pin on the upper right to keep this menu around.
Here is a view with a LabelMorph, an EllipseMorph, their associated menus, as well as Color Palette and a Color Editor Panel.
The purple menu items are Visual Properties.
Clicking on such a VisualPropertyMenuItem gives either an editor or a choice of selection palettes.
You can also drag values to or from a VisualPropertyMenuItem to transfer values.
You can drag a Color to or from the Color Editor or from a Color Palette and drop onto any area which takes a Color.
The basic mechanics of this are described in files '' and ''
Also included is the package 'Morphic-Packager'. Note the "save me as a Package" menu item. This lets you save a composite Morph (one with submorphs) as a Package which in turn requires the packages containing the code implementing the composite Morph.
One can then go to a base image and "Feature require:" the created Package whose initializer restores the saved composite Morph.