Kid Stories
- Fork the repo to your GitHub account
- Clone to repo to your local
- Checkout BE
git checkout BE
- Set up your project. (See the Initial Set Up section below)
- Make your changes
- Push your changes to your repo
- Make a PR to the project repo, select compare across forks
- In the dropdown section, select the BE branch
- Make the PR
- Create .env file by running; create .env.example file manually if not found
cp .env.example .env
- Install dependencies
composer install
- Update .env with your database details
- Generate laravel application key
php artisan key:generate
- Migrate tables
php artisan migrate
- Create encryption keys for Laravel Passport
php artisan passport:install
- Start server
php artisan serve
- Test to see if API is up. Launch Postman or Insomia and send a GET request to
You should get a response:
"message": "You are set!"