A weather dashboard web application that allows users to search for the current weather conditions and a five-day forecast for a specific city.
- Introduction
- Features
- Technologies
- Usage
The Weather Dashboard is a simple and user-friendly web application that provides real-time weather information and forecasts for cities around the world. It utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather data and displays it in an easy-to-read format.
- Search for the current weather conditions of any city.
- Display the city name, current date, temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
- Show a five-day forecast with dates, weather icons, temperatures, and humidity levels.
- Save search history and re-render data when a history item is clicked.
- CSS3
- Bootstrap 4
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Moment.js
- OpenWeatherMap API
Open the Weather Dashboard in your web browser.
In the search bar, enter the name of the city for which you want to check the weather conditions and forecast.
Click the "Search" button or press Enter.
The current weather conditions for the specified city will be displayed, along with a five-day forecast.
The search history will be saved on the left sidebar. Click on a history item to re-render the weather data for that city.