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The Lumen project provides a framework to build dashboards from a simple yaml specification. It is designed to query information from any source, filter it in various ways and then provide views of that information, which can be anything from a simply indicator to a table or plot.

A Lumen dashboard can be configured using a minimal yaml specification configuring the data source, filters and views, making it easy to view and monitor your data.


The library is organized into a small number of simply object types including:

  • Source: A Source object can provide one or more tables along with a JSON schema describing the columns or fields in the tables.
  • Filter: A Filter can filter the data along any field.
  • View: A View queries a table from one of the sources and visualizes it in some form, e.g. as an indicator, plot or table.
  • Transform: A Transform can apply arbitrary transformation on the tables before it is given to the View.

The tables that feed the filters, transforms and views are queried from a Source object. The Source may return any number of tables which can contain any number of fields and rows.

The main Source types provided by Lumen include:

  • REST API: A well defined specification to publish metrics and filters
  • File: A baseclass that can load data from a file:
    • CSV
    • Parquet
  • HTTP Status: A simple data source that returns the HTTP status of a web server
  • Intake: A simple adaptor that can load data from an Intake data catalogue
  • Panel Session Info: Queries the Panel session_info REST endpoint and returns information about deployed dashboards.