These scripts for polymake operate on a census of 4-manifolds given as regina isomorphism signatures.
- Polymake
- GNU Parallel
- PostgreSQL
- Regina
Converts the isomorphism signatures in the census to simplicial complexes
Organizes the simplicial complexes in the census into a PostgreSQL database for easier management.
Runs a specified script on all triangulations that match a specific SQL query.
Uses bistellar simplification to reduce the number of vertices in triangulations, resulting in a triangulation of a more manageable size.
Attempts to cut a connected sum of two manifolds into its constituent manifolds
Attempts to find a spherical discrete morse vector on a given triangulation.
Computes invariants of the intersection form and writes them into the SQL database
This is done running
to generate the files to
feed into GAP. Then, run
to use GAP to simplify the group
presentations, and run
to write these
presentations into the database.
These scripts attempt to find combinatorial isomorphisms (or
PL-homeomorphisms in
) between
triangulations, and writes these into the database.