A modern, customizable chat interface for AI applications in Flutter. Simple to use, easy to customize.
Dark Mode |
Chat Demo |
Need help integrating this package with your specific use case? Copy this prompt into ChatGPT:
Help me integrate flutter_gen_ai_chat_ui with my Flutter app.
My app details:
1. App type: [e.g., AI chatbot, customer support, education app]
2. Backend: [e.g., OpenAI API, custom API, Firebase]
3. Features needed: [e.g., streaming responses, markdown support, dark mode]
4. Current state management: [e.g., Provider, Bloc, GetX]
Please show me:
1. How to integrate the chat UI
2. How to connect it with my backend
3. How to customize the theme to match my app
4. Best practices for my specific use case
The AI will provide:
- ✅ Complete integration code
- ✅ Backend connection setup
- ✅ Theme customization examples
- ✅ Performance optimization tips
- ✅ Use case specific recommendations
- 🎨 Dark and light mode support with adaptive theming
- 💫 Smooth message animations with word-by-word streaming
- 🔄 Real-time message updates and streaming
- ✨ Loading indicators with customizable shimmer effect
- 📱 Responsive layout with configurable max width
- 🎤 Professional speech-to-text with:
- 🌊 Smooth dual-layer pulse animation
- 📊 Real-time sound level visualization
- 🎨 Adaptive theming for light/dark modes
- 🎯 Precise error handling and recovery
- 🔄 Automatic language detection
- 📱 iOS and Android support (physical devices)
- 📝 Markdown support with syntax highlighting
- 🎯 Selectable text in messages
- 🔗 Clickable links and URL handling
- 📜 Message pagination with custom loading indicators
- 🌐 RTL language support
- ⏱️ Customizable timestamps
- 🔄 Message streaming with real-time updates
- 🎨 Custom message bubble styling
- 👋 Customizable welcome message
- ⭐️ Example questions widget with tap actions
- 💬 Custom message bubbles and layouts
- 🎮 Custom input field with:
- 🎨 Customizable styling and decoration
- 🎯 Custom send button
- 🎤 Integrated speech-to-text
- ⌨️ Multi-line input support
- ⬇️ Smart scroll-to-bottom button
- 🔄 Loading indicators and shimmer effects
- 🎮 Complete message controller
- 🔄 Pagination support with custom offset
- 🎯 Action callbacks for send/clear/stop
- 🌍 Locale support for speech recognition
- 🎨 Theme extension for deep customization
- 📱 Platform-specific optimizations
- 🔒 Permission handling for speech recognition
- 🎯 Error handling and recovery
flutter_gen_ai_chat_ui: ^1.1.6
<string>This app needs microphone access for speech recognition</string>
<string>This app needs speech recognition to convert your voice to text</string>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
import 'package:flutter_gen_ai_chat_ui/flutter_gen_ai_chat_ui.dart';
import 'package:dash_chat_2/dash_chat_2.dart';
class ChatScreen extends StatefulWidget {
State<ChatScreen> createState() => _ChatScreenState();
class _ChatScreenState extends State<ChatScreen> {
final _controller = ChatMessagesController();
final _currentUser = ChatUser(id: '1', firstName: 'User');
final _aiUser = ChatUser(id: '2', firstName: 'AI Assistant');
bool _isLoading = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('AI Chat')),
body: AiChatWidget(
config: AiChatConfig(
enableSpeechToText: true, // Enable speech recognition
hintText: 'Type or speak your message...',
enableAnimation: true,
// Optional speech-to-text customization
speechToTextIcon: Icons.mic_none_rounded,
speechToTextActiveIcon: Icons.mic_rounded,
onSpeechError: (error) => print('Speech error: $error'),
controller: _controller,
currentUser: _currentUser,
aiUser: _aiUser,
onSendMessage: _handleMessage,
isLoading: _isLoading,
Future<void> _handleMessage(ChatMessage message) async {
setState(() => _isLoading = true);
try {
// Add your AI response logic here
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
text: "I received: ${message.text}",
user: _aiUser,
createdAt: DateTime.now(),
} finally {
setState(() => _isLoading = false);
The AiChatConfig
class provides extensive customization options. Here's a comprehensive guide:
// User Interface
userName: 'User', // Name displayed for the user
aiName: 'AI Assistant', // Name displayed for the AI
hintText: 'Type a message...', // Input field placeholder
maxWidth: 800, // Maximum width of the chat interface
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16), // Padding around the chat interface
// Feature Toggles
enableAnimation: true, // Enable/disable message animations
showTimestamp: true, // Show/hide message timestamps
readOnly: false, // Make chat read-only
enablePagination: false, // Enable/disable message pagination
// Example Questions
exampleQuestions: [
question: 'What can you help me with?',
onTap: (controller) {
'What can you help me with?',
enableSpeechToText: true,
speechToTextIcon: Icons.mic_none_rounded, // Default mic icon
speechToTextActiveIcon: Icons.mic_rounded, // Icon when active
speechToTextLocale: 'en_US', // Recognition language
// Speech Recognition Callbacks
onSpeechStart: () async {
// Called when speech recognition starts
onSpeechEnd: () async {
// Called when speech recognition ends
onSpeechError: (error) {
// Handle speech recognition errors
onRequestSpeechPermission: () async {
// Handle permission requests
return true; // Return true if permission granted
// Custom Speech Button
customSpeechToTextButton: (isListening, onPressed) {
return YourCustomButton(
isListening: isListening,
onPressed: onPressed,
// Input Field Styling
inputTextStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),
inputDecoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
filled: true,
// Message Display
messageBuilder: (message) {
return CustomMessageBubble(message: message);
// Send Button
sendButtonIcon: Icons.send_rounded,
sendButtonIconSize: 24,
sendButtonPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8),
sendButtonBuilder: (onSend) {
return CustomSendButton(onPressed: onSend);
// Scroll Button
scrollToBottomBuilder: (controller) {
return CustomScrollButton(controller: controller);
enablePagination: true,
paginationLoadingIndicatorOffset: 100,
loadMoreIndicator: ({required bool isLoading}) {
return CustomLoadingIndicator(isLoading: isLoading);
onSendButtonPressed: (message) {
// Handle send button press
onClearButtonPressed: () {
// Handle clear button press
onStopButtonPressed: () {
// Handle stop button press (e.g., stop streaming)
// Message Options
messageOptions: MessageOptions(
showTime: true,
timePadding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 4),
containerColor: Colors.grey[200],
textColor: Colors.black87,
// Message List Options
messageListOptions: MessageListOptions(
showDateSeparator: true,
scrollPhysics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
// Quick Reply Options
quickReplyOptions: QuickReplyOptions(
quickReplyStyle: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
The package includes a professional speech-to-text button with:
- 🌊 Smooth dual-layer pulse animation
- 📊 Real-time sound level visualization
- 🎨 Adaptive theming for light/dark modes
- 🎯 Precise error handling and recovery
- 🔄 Automatic language detection
- 📱 iOS and Android support (physical devices only)
data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
extensions: [
messageBubbleColor: isDark ? Color(0xFF262626) : Colors.white,
userBubbleColor: isDark ? Color(0xFF1A4B8F) : Color(0xFFE3F2FD),
messageTextColor: isDark ? Color(0xFFE5E5E5) : Colors.grey[800]!,
chatBackground: isDark ? Color(0xFF171717) : Colors.grey[50]!,
child: AiChatWidget(...),
Future<void> handleStreamingResponse(String text) async {
final response = ChatMessage(
text: "",
user: aiUser,
createdAt: DateTime.now(),
for (var word in text.split(' ')) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 50));
response.text += '${response.text.isEmpty ? '' : ' '}$word';
- 📘 Check our example folder for complete implementations
- 🐛 File issues on our GitHub repository
- 💡 Contribute to the project
MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.