A express.js server wrapper for google-translate-cn-api
Use Google Translate API WITHOUT a Goole account!
- Updated, use Google Translate Web API;
- Open Source, FREE forever;
- Cross Language, simple REST API, basic url request in any language;
- Fast, choose your local Google Translate domian (eg. https://translate.google.cn/);
- Auto Correction;
- ZERO Config,
ready, start service in 1 minute.
curl http://localhost:30031/?text=I spea Dutch!&to=zh-cn
"text": "我说荷兰语!",
"from": {
"language": {
"didYouMean": false,
"iso": "en"
"text": {
"autoCorrected": false,
"value": "I speak Dutch!",
"didYouMean": true
"raw": ""
docker run -it --rm -p 30031:30031 -e "DOMAIN=cn" mashirozx/google-translate-server
npm i
# start with default port 30031
npm start
# specify port
yarn start -- -p 30032
# specify domain
# eg: translate.google.cn
# default: translate.google.com
yarn start -- -d cn
# start with default port 30031
docker-compose up
# specify port
PORT=30032 docker-compose up
# specify domain
DOMAIN=cn docker-compose up
curl http://localhost:30031/?text=hello&to=zh-cn
import requests
from urllib.parse import urlencode
'text': 'I spea Dutch!', # this input will trigger auto-suggestion
'from': 'en', # leave blank to auto detect
'to': 'zh-cn',
# 'raw': 'true', # response contains unparsed response
# 'domain': 'cn' # change google translate domain, overrides default domain
More details about query parameters: google-translate-api and google-translate-cn-api.
It's worth mention that, with google-translate-cn-api
, you can now specify something like domain: 'cn'
in the parameter to use your local Google Translate
domain. Mode details can be found here.
Github: John-Theo/google-translate-server
Docker Hub: mashirozx/google-translate-server
This application comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law.