A two-dimensional vector library written with clarity and ease of use in mind. Leverages on new ES6 features and syntax and has a 100% test coverage. Vigur is Icelandic for vector.
To use Vigur on Node.js, install it with npm install vigur
and start playing
let Vector = require('vigur');
let myVector = new Vector(2, 3);
To use Vigur on the front end via bower, install it with bower install vigur
and add the script to your template:
<script src="./bower_components/vigur/dist/vigur.min.js"></script>
var myVector = new Vector(2, 3);
// Create a vector
let vector = new Vector(2, 3); // => Vector {x: 2, y: 3}
// Some properties are available as getter methods
vector.magnitude; // => 3.605551275463989
vector.normalized; // => Vector {x: 0.5547001962252291, y: 0.8320502943378437}
vector.direction; // => 0.982793723247329
// Some methods accept both values and vectors as params; some take none
vector // => Vector {x: 2, y: 3}
.multiply(3) // => Vector {x: 6, y: 9}
.multiply(new Vector(1, 3)) // => Vector {x: 6, y: 27}
.rotate(Math.PI / 2) // => Vector {x: -27, y: 6.000000000000002}
.rounded; // => Vector {x: -27, y: 6}
// Operations that return vectors are chainable
new Vector(2, 3) // => Vector {x: 2, y: 3}
.add(new Vector(2, 5)) // => Vector {x: 4, y: 8}
.multiply(new Vector(1, 3)) // => Vector {x: 4, y: 24}
.subtract(new Vector(4, 10)) // => Vector {x: 0, y: 14}
.invert() // => Vector {x: 0, y: -14}
.cross(new Vector(3, 7)); // => 42
// Also exposes utility methods
// => 3.141592653589793
// => 180
Check the source for a full list of available methods and documentation about them. The tests are also a good resource.