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For processing and prepping SOSG data. Not for individual paper analyses.

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For processing and prepping SOSG data. Not for individual paper analyses.

Plot metadata Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units How.measured
Plot.number Plot number numeric 1 - 32 NA defined
Nickname Nickname of the plot, if applicable categorical 2K - Wheatley NA defined
Name Descriptive name including the plot number, the burn history, the canopy, and the treatment rep number categorical 01-U-H-2 - WH-B-S-1 NA defined
burnHistory Whether the plot has burned since 2002 categorical burned - unburned NA recorded
canopy_category Calculated canopy dieback category binned from scaled.canopy.class categorical Healthy canopy - Severe canopy loss NA calculated
treatmentNr Replicate within canopy category (possibly based on a previous designation) numeric 1 - 11 NA defined
beetle_category How beetles have affected trees within this plot; calculated from scaled.canopy.class and scaled.beetle.class categorical Dead canopy w/ many beetles - Moderate canopy w/ many beetles NA calculated
Year.last.burned Previous year known to burn numeric 2003 - 2003 NA recorded
scaled.canopy.class Average canopy health (1-5, none-excellent) scaled by basal area within the plot numeric 1.028 - 4.49 NA calculated
scaled.beetle.class Average beetle presence/absence (1/0) scaled by basal area within the plot numeric 0 - 0.984 NA calculated
Year.established Year the permanent plot was established numeric 2023 - 2024 NA recorded How fine grain the understory data are categorical functional group - species NA recorded
Instrumented Whether the plot is instrumented or not categorical no - yes NA recorded
centre_longitude Centre point longitude numeric 148.328 - 148.432 decimal degrees recorded
centre_latitude Centre point latitude numeric -36.438 - -36.371 decimal degrees recorded
ele_10m Elevation at 10m resolution. Extracted by Weerach from raster. numeric 1605.807 - 1828.394 metres recorded
slope_10m Slope at 10m resolution. Extracted by Weerach from raster. numeric 8.052 - 30.521 NA recorded
aspect_10m Aspect at 10m resolution. Extracted by Weerach from raster. numeric 38.141 - 355.763 NA recorded
ele_30m Elevation at 30m resolution. Extracted by Weerach from raster. numeric 1601.519 - 1825.957 metres recorded
slope_30m Slope at 30m resolution. Extracted by Weerach from raster. numeric 5.805 - 25.493 NA recorded
aspect_30m Aspect at 30m resolution. Extracted by Weerach from raster. numeric 15.296 - 348.911 NA recorded
start_longitude Plot start point longitude numeric 148.327 - 148.432 decimal degrees recorded
start_latitude Plot start point latitude numeric -36.438 - -36.371 decimal degrees recorded
end_longitude Plot end point longitude numeric 148.328 - 148.432 decimal degrees recorded
end_latitude Plot end point latitude numeric -36.438 - -36.371 decimal degrees recorded

Tree data Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units How.measured
X place holder created by R. Unreliable. numeric 1 - 4785 NA recorded
plot Plot number numeric 1 - 484 NA defined
tree Tree number. Unique within a plot. numeric 1 - 140 NA defined
stem Stem number. Unique within a tree. numeric 1 - 22 NA defined
live If a stem is alive (1) or not (0) categorical 0 - dead binary recorded
bark If a stem has bark (1) or not (0) categorical 0 - no bark binary recorded
bkDpth1 Depth of bark numeric 0 - 0 millimetres recorded
bkDpth2 Second measurement of bark depth numeric 0 - 0 millimetres recorded
dbh Diameter at breast height of a given stem numeric 1.3 - 134.5 centimetres recorded
spp Subspecies of Eucalyptus pauciflora categorical 0 - Np NA recorded
burnt If there are any signs of burning on this stem (1) or not (0) categorical 0 - yes binary recorded
regrowth If there are signs of regrowth on the stem (1) or not (0) numeric 0 - 1 binary recorded
pres If a stem has hollows (1) or not (0) numeric 0 - 1 binary recorded
number Number of hollows on the stem numeric 0 - 4 NA recorded
heightM Height of the tree numeric 3.8 - 18.2 metres recorded
flag Data quality flag categorical okay - okay NA defined
canopy Canopy quality where n = none (no leaves); p = poor (>75% of branchlets with dead/missing leaves); f = fair (50-75% likewise); g = good (25-50% likewise); e = excellent (<25% likewise) categorical e - poor NA recorded
galleries If galleries are present on the stem (1) or not (0) numeric 0 - 1 NA recorded
frass If frass is present on the stem (1) or not (0) numeric 0 - 1 binary recorded
puckering If puckering is present on the stem (1) or not (0) numeric 0 - 1 NA recorded
canopy.number canopy converted to a number where 1 = none and 5 = excellent numeric 1 - 5 NA defined
beetlesum If beetle evidence (galleries, frass, puckering) is present on a stem (1) or not (0) numeric 0 - 1 NA defined
stemID Unique ID of the stem made of the plot number, the tree number, and the stem number separated by periods categorical 1.1.1 - 9.9.2 NA defined
basal.area Basal area of the stem calculated from DBH numeric 0 - 1.421 metres ^2 recorded
plotNickname Nickname of the plot, if applicable categorical 2K - Swing Bridge NA defined
burnHistory If there is evidence of burn on the stem (only works for 2024 trees) categorical burned - unburned NA recorded
health canopy health of the stem (only works for 2024 trees) categorical burned - severe NA recorded
GPS GPS point number of the tree (only if a dendrometer was installed) numeric 275 - 480 NA defined
dendroNr Dendrometer number, if applicable numeric 1 - 306 NA defined
dendroType Dendrometer type, if applicable categorical automatic - vernier NA defined

Subplot (5x5 m) data Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units How.measured
X place holder created by R. Unreliable. numeric 1 - 758 NA calculated
plot Plot number numeric 1 - 20 NA defined
assessor1 Name of the person leading data collection categorical Aaron - Sabina NA defined
assessor2 Name of the other person/people measuring data categorical Aaron - Sabina NA defined
date Date that the plot was surveyed categorical 2023-01-17 - 2023-02-20 yyyy-mm-dd recorded
midlineDistance Subplot distance from the base of the plot numeric 10 - 45 meters recorded
species Which species of vegetation cover was measured categorical Acaena novae-zelandiae - Viola betonicifolia NA defined
sample Unknown?? numeric 0 - 1 NA NA
coverPercent What percentage of the subplot that typeCover represents, rounded to the nearest 10% unless less than 10 in which rounded to nearest 5 or 1%. Trace amounts recorded as 0.1. numeric 0.1 - 90 percent recorded
abundance Abundance of this species in rough stem counts rounded to regular intervals numeric 1 - 1000 NA recorded
cwdLengthM Coarse woody debris length in meters numeric 0 - 20.5 meters recorded

Subplot (1x1 m) data Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units How.measured
X place holder created by R. Unreliable. numeric 1 - 1100 NA calculated
plot Plot number numeric 1 - 20 NA defined
assessor1 Name of the person leading data collection categorical Aaron - Sabina NA defined
assessor2 Name of the other person/people measuring data categorical Aaron - Sabina Aitken NA defined
date Date that the plot was surveyed categorical 2023-01-17 - 2023-03-19 yyyy-mm-dd recorded
midlineDistanceM Subplot distance from the base of the plot numeric 0 - 40 meters recorded
na Unknown?? categorical Plot number manually changed to 11 from 1 by HRD Jan 2024 - Plot number manually changed to 11 from 1 by HRD Jan 2028 NA NA
typeCover What type of vegetation cover was measured categorical bareSoil - tussock NA defined
percent What percentage of the subplot that typeCover represents, rounded to the nearest 10% unless less than 10 in which rounded to nearest 5 or 1%. Trace amounts recorded as 0.1. numeric 0 - 100 percent recorded


For processing and prepping SOSG data. Not for individual paper analyses.






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