Monitor CO2 laser temperature and flow rate using ESP32
This is a project for my CO2 laser with
- Monitor temperature using DS18B20
- Water flow using YFS201
- ESP32 microcontroller
- TFT 1.8 inch display
Here is the library used: #include <TFT_eSPI.h> //by bodmer #include <SPI.h> #include <DS18B20.h> #include <FlowSensor.h> //by Hafidh Hidayat
##Display Wiring Display ESP32 VCC --> 5V RESET --> G14 GND --> GND LED --> 3.3V SDA --> G23 SCK --> G18 CS --> G17 A0 --> G2
You will need to modify User_Setup.h. Modified file included here Read more here
For temperature and flow rate sensor, I used breakout module. One for both DS18B20 and one for YFS201. See sensor2.jpg
##DS18B20 Wiring DS18B20 ESP32 VCC --> 5V GND --> GND Data --> 13
##YFS201 Wiring YFS201 ESP32 VCC --> 5V GND --> GND Data --> 34
You can modify the temp and flow rate to your wants.
const float MAX_TEMP_IN = 30.0; //In Celcius const float MIN_TEMP_IN = 18.0; //In Celcius
const float MAX_TEMP_OUT = 30.0; //In Celcius const float MIN_TEMP_OUT = 18.0; //In Celcius
const float MIN_FLOW_RATE = 0.5; //In L/min
To change celcius to fahrenheit if fairly easy. Change all ds.getTempC(); to ds.getTempF();
You will get nan flow rate reading if delay < 1000 ms. Set it to atleast 1000 ms delay(1000);