bits-ui Public
The headless components for Svelte.
shadcn-svelte Public
shadcn/ui, but for Svelte. ✨
svelte-llm-test Public
Forked from bmdavis419/svelte-llm-testTesting if the frontier LLMs can generate a basic todo app with Svelte 5 (they can't)
skeleton Public
Forked from skeletonlabs/skeletonA fully featured UI toolkit for Svelte + Tailwind.
layerchart Public
Forked from techniq/layerchartComposable Svelte chart components to build a wide range of visualizations
vaul-svelte Public
An unstyled drawer component for Svelte.
floating-ui-svelte Public
Forked from skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelteA Floating UI wrapper for Svelte
svelte-toolbelt Public
Shared utilities used in the various libraries I maintain.
layercake Public
Forked from mhkeller/layercakegraphics framework for sveltejs
sveltekit-superforms Public
Forked from ciscoheat/sveltekit-superformsMaking SvelteKit forms a pleasure to use!
Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid
svelte-sonner Public
Forked from wobsoriano/svelte-sonnerAn opinionated toast component for Svelte.
velite Public
Forked from zce/veliteTurns Markdown / MDX, YAML, JSON, or others into app's data layer with Zod schema.
geist Public
Forked from shyakadavis/geistSvelte implementation of the Geist Design System by Vercel. (WIP)
vitest-browser-svelte Public
Forked from vitest-dev/vitest-browser-svelteRender Svelte components in Vitest Browser Mode
JavaScript UpdatedSep 26, 2024 -
svelte-preprocess Public
Forked from sveltejs/svelte-preprocessA ✨ magical ✨ Svelte preprocessor with sensible defaults and support for: PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Coffeescript, TypeScript, Pug and much more.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 26, 2024 -
table Public
Forked from TanStack/table🤖 Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table
sk-supabase-auth Public
Learn how to add Supabase Authentication to your SvelteKit application.
sveltekit-form-validation Public
Final source code for the 'Loading Data in SvelteKit' video on my YouTube channel.