Docker images for running tests against Hypermedia APIs
Wraps hydra-validator-analyse which runs static analysis against hydra-powered APIs.
This docker can be simply used directly by passing the APIs entrypoint URL:
docker run -it --rm --network host hydrofoil/hydra-analyser http://localhost:12345/
The entrypoint URL can also be passed in as an environment variable, for example in a docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
image: "hydrofoil/hydra-analyser"
network_mode: "host"
ENTRYPOINT_URL: "http://localhost:12345/"
Note the use of --network host
and network_mode: "host"
in both examples to have the container access an app running
locally. Naturally, that won't be needed if analysing a remote, publicly available service.
Compiles and runs hypertest test scenarios.
The easiest way is to use docker-compose to mount a directory containing the test scenarios
as /tests
in the container.
version: "3"
image: "hydrofoil/hypertest"
network_mode: "host"
BASE_URI: "http://localhost:12345/"
- ./tests:/tests
The base URI can also be changed from the run command
docker-compose run e2e-tests --baseUri
Tests can be filtered by a regular expression which is matched against the relative path to test files within
the tests
For example, running from the above docker-compose.yml
docker-compose run e2e-tests --grep ^ProductsCollectionEndpoint/PostRequest_
By default the tests will be compiled in a temporary path. An optional flag can be set to have the test JSON files generated adjacent to the input files.
docker-compose run e2e-tests --compileInPlace