Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 41,194,399 | 2,916,008 | 687,228 |
Web2 | 10,292,579 | 881,562 | 201,753 |
Web3 | 28,920,727 | 1,899,825 | 449,927 |
Utils | 1,981,093 | 134,621 | 35,548 |
Welcome to the official repository for tracking the download counts of Hyperweb's software. This repository provides detailed statistics on the downloads, helping users and developers gain insights into the usage and popularity of our products.
the Web: At the heart of our mission is the synergy between the mature, user-friendly ecosystem of Web2 and the decentralized, secure potential of Web3. We're here to bridge this gap, unlocking real-world applications and the full potential of technology, making the web whole again.
Join us in shaping the future of the web.
This repository contains detailed download statistics for all Hyperweb's software products. It is updated regularly to reflect the latest download counts, with intervals ending at the current time that the snapshot was taken.
- Downloads Summary CSV: A comprehensive CSV file containing summary statistics for each package, including total, monthly, and weekly downloads. The data reflects the most recent snapshot, with intervals ending at the snapshot's current time.
- Historical Snapshots: History of the summary CSV files for each snapshot.
- hyperwebjs
- interchain-js
- cosmos-kit
- create-cosmos-app
- interchain-kit-wallets
- cosmos-kit-wallets
- cosmwasm
- interchain-ui
- telescope
- dydx
- stargaze
- stride
- quicksilver
- juno
- osmosis
- chain-registry
- cosmology
- starship
- launchql
- protobufs
- utils
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 2,692 | 1,021 | 61 |
create-hyperweb-app | 596 | 40 | 9 |
@hyperweb/cli | 121 | 17 | 1 |
hyperwebjs | 1,092 | 494 | 34 |
hyperweb-kit | 121 | 16 | 0 |
@hyperweb/build | 513 | 305 | 14 |
@hyperweb/ts-json-schema | 249 | 149 | 3 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 113,177 | 23,991 | 796 |
interchainjs | 13,370 | 2,315 | 56 |
injectivejs | 6,982 | 901 | 62 |
@interchainjs/utils | 14,580 | 3,606 | 129 |
@interchainjs/types | 14,927 | 3,705 | 143 |
@interchainjs/auth | 13,002 | 2,911 | 105 |
@interchainjs/cosmos | 13,978 | 2,947 | 67 |
@interchainjs/cosmos-msgs | 380 | 9 | 1 |
@interchainjs/cosmos-query | 375 | 10 | 1 |
@interchainjs/ethereum | 6,419 | 1,216 | 30 |
@interchainjs/injective | 7,194 | 1,417 | 37 |
@interchainjs/cosmos-types | 16,142 | 3,494 | 104 |
@interchainjs/ethermint | 758 | 20 | 3 |
injective-query | 91 | 5 | 0 |
injective-react | 2,148 | 711 | 23 |
injective-vue | 1,867 | 671 | 25 |
interchain-react | 964 | 53 | 10 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 1,630,553 | 96,662 | 24,335 |
interchain-kit | 5,697 | 935 | 126 |
@interchain-kit/core | 11,780 | 2,192 | 141 |
@interchain-kit/react | 5,613 | 1,053 | 130 |
@interchain-kit/vue | 1,687 | 322 | 5 |
cosmos-kit | 50,128 | 4,622 | 992 |
@cosmos-kit/core | 699,859 | 34,062 | 8,738 |
@cosmos-kit/react | 151,064 | 10,565 | 2,813 |
@cosmos-kit/react-lite | 185,094 | 11,576 | 3,106 |
@cosmos-kit/walletconnect | 519,631 | 31,335 | 8,284 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 6,909 | 186 | 45 |
create-cosmos-app | 5,742 | 128 | 32 |
create-interchain-app | 1,167 | 58 | 13 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 64,793 | 13,534 | 1,498 |
@interchain-kit/okx-extension | 5,313 | 926 | 120 |
@interchain-kit/mock-wallet | 4,435 | 784 | 69 |
@interchain-kit/leap-extension | 5,396 | 1,078 | 130 |
@interchain-kit/ledger | 5,153 | 893 | 112 |
@interchain-kit/coin98-extension | 5,194 | 908 | 115 |
@interchain-kit/leap-mobile | 5,171 | 912 | 104 |
@interchain-kit/keplr-mobile | 5,129 | 931 | 111 |
@interchain-kit/keplr-extension | 5,590 | 1,069 | 129 |
@interchain-kit/frontier-extension | 3,621 | 796 | 82 |
@interchain-kit/station-extension | 3,616 | 795 | 90 |
@interchain-kit/cosmostation-extension | 3,598 | 782 | 80 |
@interchain-kit/galaxy-station-extension | 3,666 | 867 | 89 |
@interchain-kit/cosmos-extension-metamask | 2,616 | 801 | 78 |
@interchain-kit/trust-extension | 2,395 | 740 | 65 |
@interchain-kit/leap-cosmos-extension-metamask | 2,487 | 787 | 99 |
@interchain-kit/xdefi-extension | 1,413 | 465 | 25 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 2,023,457 | 95,981 | 24,560 |
@cosmwasm/ts-codegen | 987,734 | 46,829 | 12,178 |
@cosmwasm/ts-codegen-types | 44,176 | 1,887 | 402 |
@cosmwasm/ts-codegen-ast | 44,811 | 1,955 | 412 |
wasm-ast-types | 940,986 | 44,730 | 11,515 |
cosmwasm-typescript-gen | 5,750 | 580 | 53 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 159,290 | 10,697 | 2,742 |
@interchain-ui/react | 151,856 | 10,571 | 2,737 |
@interchain-ui/vue | 7,434 | 126 | 5 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 5,538,731 | 404,148 | 95,895 |
@cosmology/telescope | 421,369 | 26,592 | 7,069 |
@cosmology/lcd | 479,886 | 60,290 | 10,026 |
@cosmology/ast | 474,034 | 38,454 | 10,421 |
@cosmology/types | 653,602 | 55,733 | 14,960 |
@cosmology/utils | 653,969 | 55,742 | 14,959 |
@cosmology/proto-parser | 652,994 | 55,720 | 14,962 |
@osmonauts/telescope | 248,953 | 5,567 | 1,417 |
@osmonauts/lcd | 965,367 | 85,758 | 17,842 |
@osmonauts/ast | 247,123 | 5,431 | 1,269 |
@osmonauts/utils | 235,483 | 4,670 | 985 |
@osmonauts/types | 252,458 | 5,070 | 980 |
@osmonauts/proto-parser | 253,493 | 5,121 | 1,005 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 142,749 | 46,330 | 11,157 |
@dydxprotocol/v4-client-js | 142,749 | 46,330 | 11,157 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 11,059 | 155 | 17 |
stargazejs | 7,440 | 84 | 10 |
@stargaze-zone/chain | 944 | 19 | 1 |
@stargaze-zone/contracts | 1,078 | 13 | 1 |
stargaze-query | 1,597 | 39 | 5 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 21,439 | 660 | 59 |
stridejs | 21,439 | 660 | 59 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 4,450 | 31 | 0 |
quicksilverjs | 4,450 | 31 | 0 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 19,974 | 892 | 115 |
juno-network | 18,107 | 863 | 112 |
@juno-network/assets | 1,867 | 29 | 3 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 371,525 | 17,430 | 3,699 |
@osmonauts/math | 29,527 | 1,392 | 349 |
osmojs | 321,715 | 14,939 | 3,111 |
osmo-query | 20,283 | 1,099 | 239 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 6,533,482 | 515,790 | 117,664 |
@chain-registry/client | 590,009 | 48,337 | 12,788 |
@chain-registry/types | 2,242,777 | 179,253 | 40,423 |
@chain-registry/keplr | 979,356 | 62,020 | 15,826 |
@chain-registry/cosmostation | 794,429 | 49,824 | 12,822 |
@chain-registry/osmosis | 85,331 | 4,057 | 990 |
@chain-registry/juno | 38,176 | 2,700 | 825 |
@chain-registry/assets | 59,127 | 5,187 | 1,362 |
@chain-registry/utils | 766,480 | 81,498 | 16,246 |
chain-registry | 977,797 | 82,914 | 16,382 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 144,778 | 25,994 | 2,864 |
cosmjs-utils | 20,701 | 1,049 | 232 |
@cosmology/cli | 7,750 | 68 | 1 |
@cosmology/core | 18,656 | 528 | 20 |
cosmology | 6,506 | 91 | 8 |
interchain | 65,699 | 23,695 | 2,419 |
interchain-query | 12,728 | 446 | 172 |
create-cosmwasm-app | 1,258 | 27 | 3 |
@cosmology-ui/react | 11,480 | 90 | 9 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 23,962 | 3,082 | 459 |
starshipjs | 9,636 | 1,255 | 250 |
@starship-ci/cli | 6,844 | 889 | 107 |
@starship-ci/client | 7,482 | 938 | 102 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 10,292,579 | 881,562 | 201,753 |
@launchql/db-templates | 3,367 | 28 | 4 |
@launchql/db-transform | 1,462 | 18 | 2 |
@launchql/ext-achievements | 1,728 | 9 | 1 |
@launchql/ext-jobs-queue | 2,158 | 10 | 1 |
@launchql/ext-jwt-claims | 1,903 | 25 | 3 |
@launchql/ext-types | 2,293 | 14 | 4 |
@launchql/faker | 1,918 | 17 | 5 |
@launchql/inflection | 2,082 | 10 | 1 |
@launchql/totp | 1,936 | 9 | 1 |
@pgql/parse | 40,935 | 71 | 8 |
@pgsql/enums | 899 | 17 | 1 |
@pgsql/parser | 15,382 | 6,842 | 1,732 |
@pgsql/types | 827,758 | 152,709 | 33,824 |
@pgsql/utils | 149,265 | 37,166 | 10,982 |
@pyramation/postgraphile-plugin-fulltext-filter | 40,353 | 6,971 | 1,846 |
graphile-column-privileges-mutations | 2,921 | 160 | 26 |
libpg-query | 2,746,318 | 192,215 | 43,441 |
pg-proto-parser | 4,622 | 52 | 7 |
pg-query-native-latest | 351 | 23 | 5 |
pg-utils | 606 | 22 | 1 |
pgsql-deparser | 2,186,810 | 174,010 | 40,246 |
pgsql-enums | 2,211,087 | 173,908 | 40,232 |
pgsql-parser | 2,046,425 | 137,256 | 29,380 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 3,264,098 | 92,780 | 22,723 |
@protobufs/cosmos | 354,624 | 5,010 | 1,062 |
@protobufs/google | 367,541 | 5,941 | 1,345 |
@protobufs/gogoproto | 367,304 | 5,860 | 1,317 |
@protobufs/cosmwasm | 141,481 | 1,185 | 245 |
@protobufs/tendermint | 351,392 | 4,943 | 1,053 |
@protobufs/ibc | 144,977 | 1,485 | 309 |
@protobufs/cosmos_proto | 354,496 | 4,949 | 1,054 |
@protobufs/osmosis | 9,955 | 377 | 62 |
@protobufs/secret | 453 | 20 | 2 |
@protobufs/juno | 1,470 | 30 | 2 |
@protobufs/akash | 568 | 17 | 2 |
@protobufs/regen | 535 | 14 | 3 |
@protobufs/pylons | 356 | 11 | 2 |
@protobufs/stargaze | 581 | 26 | 4 |
@protobufs/bcna | 465 | 19 | 1 |
@protobufs/comdex | 399 | 11 | 2 |
@protobufs/evmos | 291 | 10 | 2 |
@protobufs/axelar | 255 | 12 | 2 |
@protobufs/amino | 148,312 | 1,584 | 341 |
@cosmology/protobufjs | 780,296 | 56,339 | 15,029 |
@pyramation/protobufjs | 238,347 | 4,937 | 884 |
Name | Total | Monthly | Weekly |
Total | 1,981,093 | 134,621 | 35,548 |
ast-stringify | 839,573 | 45,022 | 11,511 |
nested-obj | 193,000 | 39,011 | 11,384 |
schema-typescript | 11,877 | 830 | 149 |
etag-hash | 49,080 | 1,816 | 428 |
uuid-hash | 14,234 | 1,078 | 291 |
inquirerer | 856,343 | 46,328 | 11,697 |
publish-scripts | 15,632 | 513 | 83 |
skitch-template | 1,354 | 23 | 5 |
Our ecosystem comprises a wide array of libraries, most of which are included here. It's important to note that some of our npm modules are built upon each other. This interconnected nature means that when one module is downloaded as a dependency of another, both contribute to the download counts.
Download statistics serve as a robust indicator of usage and interest. Even with the layered nature of library dependencies, these numbers provide us with meaningful signals about which tools are most valuable to developers and which areas are garnering the most interest.
Join us in shaping the future of the web.