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These guidelines build on top of Github Objective-C Code Guidelines, the following guidelines are all Mandantory, you can follow Github's guideline if it is not contray to iCHEF guidelines.

Code Naming

  • All iCHEF POS class uses iC
	iCSocketContainer *socket = [iCSocketContainer createSocket];
  • No Abbreviations for noun, verb, or adjective in class, method, or any variable names.
	NSDictionary *testDictionary;
	NSMutableDictionary *testDictionary;
	NSArray *testArray;
	NSMutableArray *testArray;
	NSSet *testSet;
	NSMutableSet *testSet;
	- (void) getRestaurantDataWithUUID:(NSString *) UUIDString;
  • All boolean Variables start with is prefix.
	BOOL isEdited;
  • All String variables ends with String suffix.
	NSString *testString;
  • All String variables can be converted to JSON ends with JSONString suffix.
	NSString *testJSONString = @"{"test":"test"}";
	[testJSONString toJSON];

Documentation and Organization

  • All method declarations should be documented.
  • All public method should use VVDocumenter to declare design intention, return type, and parameters in the header file.
  • All method declareations should have not null or nullable.
   - (nullable returnType *)itemWithName:(nonnull NSString *)parameter; 
  • All non-null property should be specified. Otherwise, nullable is the default.
  @property (copy, nonnull) NSArray *allItems;
  • Use #pragma mark - to categorize methods into functional groupings and protocol implementations, following this general structure:
#pragma mark - Lifecycle

	+ (instancetype)objectWithThing:(id)thing {}
	- (instancetype)init {}
	- (void)viewDidLoad {}
	- (void)dealloc{}

#pragma mark - Other methods

	- (void)drawRect:(CGRect) {}
  • If a method call is too long, press Enter in the header of method segment, just let Xcode to align vertically with :
  • All publlic methods or properties should be placed in .h files, all private methods or properties shoud be in .m files.

Import Policy

  • Only import what you need in header file , reduce the duty of pch file.

Object Literals

  • All NSNumber, NSDictionary, and NSArray must use Object Literals.
	NSNumber *orderCount = @(1 + 2);
 	NSDictionary *testDict = @{obj1, obj2, obj3};
 	NSArray *orderArray = @[obj1, obj2, obj3];

Control Structures

  • Use ternary operators to help value assignment.
  • Long form ternary operators should be wrapped in parentheses and only used for assignment and arguments.
	Blah *a = (stuff == thing ? foo : bar);
  • Short form, nil coalescing ternary operators should avoid parentheses.
	Blah *b = thingThatCouldBeNil ?: defaultValue;
  • Comparisons should be explicit for everything except BOOLs.
	if (isEdited) {
		// Bool comparison
 	if (count >= 3) {
 		//number comparison
 	if (object == nil) {
 		//null comparison


  • Categories should be named for the sort of functionality they provide. Don't create umbrella categories.


iCHEF Objective-C Guide






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