- 🔭 I’m currently learning Web Development, Cloud and DS.
- 🤔 Exploring newer technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Have Graduation in Computer Science and Engineering from GLA University, Mathura.
- 💼 Searching for a Fullstack Developer Role(JS or Python).
- 🌱 Enthusiast in Open Source and Cloud Technology.
- ☕ I believe, a perfect cup of coffee can be the ultimate solution for any stress. Coffee <-> Code
- 💻 Python | Javascript | C
- 🌐 HTML | CSS | Tailwind CSS | React.js | Node.js | Express.js | Flask | Django
- ☁ Google Cloud Platform | Netlify | Docker | AWS
- 🔧 Github | PyCharm | Visual Studio code | Git