This work is a part of the Scilab Toolbox Hackathon organised by FOSSEE, IIT Bombay in June-July 2020.
Check out the toolbox submitted to ATOMS.
Interface functions of Point Cloud Library with scilab.
Linux Ubuntu: 18.04 | Scilab Version: 6.0.2
Point Cloud Library (pcl)
NOTE: The above links are just for reference. There is no need to install PCL library.
clone this repository.
There are 4 mandatory dependencies that should be installed
The required dependencies can be installed by running the script file:
Download binaries and extract third party folder.
After successful installation of dependencies open scilab and browse to the directory of this toolbox.
Execute the command:
exec builder.sce
Close scilab and zip the toolbox folder.
Open Scilab go to the directory of zip file and execute the command:
atomsInstall("<zip file name>.zip")
- Restart sciab and toolbox will be successfully installed.
NOTE If permission denied error comes, execute
chmod +x
execute again.
| \
| |--cpp -> (contains gateway file)
| /
|--builder.sce ->(have to execute this for the first time from scilab console)
|--loader.sce ->(have to load this file from scilab console)