YumCourier is a food delivery web app built using MERN (Mongodb, Express, ReactJs, NodeJs) stack.
The app has following features:
- Login/ Sign Up Page (Data Stored on MongoDb)
- Wide ranges of food items (fetched from database) arranged according to categories which are listed as follows:
- Starters
- Biryani/ Rice
- Pizza
- Search option
- Each food item comes with multiple options with different prices like
- Half/ Full
- Regular/ Medium/ Large
- Add To Cart option (Using Redux toolkit).
- Daynamic Prizes according to number of items and size option selected.
- Increase/ Decrease/ Delete Item directly from the Cart.
- Place Order option (Using Redux Toolkit)
- React
- Redux Toolkit
- Chakra UI
- Material Design UI kit and other libraries.
- Node
- Express
- JWT Web Token (for authentication)
- Bycryptjs (for password encryption)
- MongoDB
The app can be used by visiting this link YumCourier: The Food Delivery App
- Front End: https://yumcourier.onrender.com/
- Backend: https://yumcourier-backend1.onrender.com/
If you want to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name).
- Make changes and commit them (git commit -m "Add your commit message").
- Push your changes to your forked repository (git push origin feature/your-feature-name).
- Open a pull request.
Screenshots can be viewed in images folder
I am a third year undergraduate (Batch 2021-2025) at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City. I'm a passionate full stack developer with focus on MERN Stack. Apart from this, I am interested in Graphic Designing and UI/UX Designing. I am open to Internship opportunities with in the domain of Web Development.
Let's connect on LinkedIn.