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LTI 1.3 Provider Implementation for general edx usage

Advantage Services Implemented:

  • Assignment and Gradaes Service (AGS) for grade passback


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  • Ensure settings.FEATURES['ENABLE_LTI_1P3_PROVIDER] = True is set in lms/envs/
  • Add a condition to add the lti 1.3 provider authentication backend:

These are both implemented in the included tutor_plugins/ tutor plugin.

Optional Settings

  • LTI_AGGREGATE_SCORE_PASSBACK_DELAY: Number of seconds to wait to perform grade passback on composite modules (subsections and units). This helps batch requests. default: 15 minutes
    • NOTE: This setting is shared for the LTI 1.1 Provider so would affect both 1.1 and 1.3
  • LTI_1P3_PROVIDER_ACCESS_LENGTH_SEC: Number of seconds from launch that the session should be valid for the given piece of content. Default is None which allows access as long as the user has a valid edx session.

Setup an LTI Tool Key

You technically only need to do this once. It's going to be the Private/Public key for one or multiple tools to use.

NOTE: Never share the private key under any circumstances

Generating a New Public/Private keypair

To generate a public/private key pair you can use the following commands:

# Private Key
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048
# Public Key
openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public_key.pem

Once generated, you can copy the contents into their respective fields in the next steps.

Adding a new LTI Tool Key

  • Go to the django admin
  • Select Lti 1.3 tool keys under the PYLTI 1.3 TOOL CONFIG heading
  • Select Add LTI 1.3 TOOL KEY
  • Give it a name
  • Add a Private Key and its correspondging Public Key (see previous section)
    • These should be strings in the PEM format and start like: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  • Click Save

Setup a Tool

To setup a Tool, complete the following steps. You will need to get several entries from the Platform (Consumer):

  • Go to the django admin
  • Select Lti 1.3 tools under the PYLTI 1.3 TOOL CONFIG heading
  • Select Add LTI 1.3 TOOL
    • Title: Give the tool a name
    • Is active: Make sure this is checked
    • Issuer: Get from the Platform
    • Client id: Get from Platform
    • Use by default: leave this unchecked
    • Auth login url: Get from Platform (OIDC Authorication Endpoint)
    • Auth token url: Get from Platform (OIDC Token Endpoint)
    • Auth audience: Should be able to leave this blank
    • Key set url: Get from Platform if available
    • Key set: If no Key set url is available, paste the JWKS information here
      • This will be a json string like the following:
          "e": "AQAB",
          "kid": "_MrLpE3BZv9Ecxpo5J93WTm732I0ktE64nv6c8ywywI",
          "kty": "RSA",
          "n": "uDmuwK_POsBicZy7lnFAMo_9QNu-W_yqTuzV8g5p-NM1xzD4Gj1dJel2IKi-eh9Rwyc8dPrJWfA0BaHx0ggA9hMXLVjql9UtRYm3wf7uJ8JfDfePYOHGHymLalRVCT_wXP7EO0l1BarNRqG-c9OVG6rELryosQxCgt5p4ipE_RU5OPOYK5eZKnOUAHkcbUO1Xtqlm8FghWqjrDEqS6wbteCBqUuFYBjReG47L-UJp_THt0hI-iYnnDmuIVZdkVpmNYHW3RbsZIj1Oc62msRzknLHP-UJlN6125H3hwvBzcl2xLXMi8eQ5Nd1NKP0Zj-asEJgiCU5cMp0U6F63wZ-oQ",
          "alg": "RS256",
          "use": "sig"
    • Tool key: Select one of the Lti Tool Key's you generated earlier
      • This is the Private/Public key the Tool will use to sign its messages and that the Platform will use to verify them
    • Deployment ids: Get from Platform
      • This should be a list of strings: ["1", "deployment 2"], etc
  • Select Save

Info to give the Platform

Provide the following information to the Platform for their side of the integration:

  • Redirect Uri: https://<>/lti/1p3/launch/
    • This is where the consumer will post its id_token to
  • Tool Launch Endpoint: https://<>/lti/1p3/launch/<course_key>/<usage_key>
    • This is also known as the target_link_uri - the final place the user will be redirected to (the content to show the user)
  • Login Initiations Endpoint: https://<>/lti/1p3/login/
  • JWKS Endpoint (Tool Keyset): https://<>/lti/1p3/pub/jwks/
  • Deep Linking Endpoint: Not yet implemented

To use the LTI Assignment and Grades service (Grade passback), the Platform will need to allow the following scopes for the Tool OAuth2 client:


Launch Gating

By default, a consumer could link to any content on the platform by changing the target_link_uri. To restrict this, a LaunchGate can be added to the consumer. This will restrict the consumer to launching content that is either:

  • In the allowed_keys list
  • In the allowed_orgs list

This can be added in the Django Admin under lti_1p3_providers -> Launch gates.

Access and Session Length

Access to content is controlled by three components:

  • The user must be logged in
  • They must have the target_link_uri path in their session
  • They corresponding expiration is None or not expired if set

The length of access to the content is controlled by the LTI_1P3_PROVIDER_ACCESS_LENGTH_SEC variable. The default is None (unset), which allows access as long as the user is logged in. If set to an integer, access is allowed for the specified number of seconds since launch..

Additional Notes

The course and content must be published and available for a Consumer to be able to use it. Otherwise it will return a 404.

Running Tests

  • In an openedx dev environment, run pytest ../<path_to_repo>/src/lti_1p3_provider/tests --disable-warnings --no-migrations


LTI 1.3 Provider Implementation for general edx usage







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