PHP library for generating a PromptPay string to generate QR code.
require 'libpromptpay.php';
$pp = new LibPromptpay();
$pp->setPaymentID(LibPromptpay::PROMPTPAY_ACCTYPE_EWALLET, '004999000281286');
echo $pp->generateString();
Set the QR Code Type
- setQRType(LibPromptpay::EMVCO_QRTYPE_STATIC) ** default
- setQRType(LibPromptpay::EMVCO_QRTYPE_DYNAMIC)
Set the Merchant Account Type & Number
- setPaymentID(LibPromptpay::PROMPTPAY_ACCTYPE_MOBILE, '0066XXXXXXXXX');
Set the preferred amount for receiving the payment ** WARNING ** K Plus Application does not support amount in QR code (see below).
- setAmount(2999.31)
EXPERIMENTAL Set the bill payment information. Will force set amount & QRType to Dynamic
EXPERIMENTAL Set the bill payment reference code 3 field.
- [2018-01-08] Does not recognize 'Amount' field
- [2018-01-08] Does not allow amount less than 1 THB
- CRC16 CCITT from jkobus/crc16-ccit
- Original work from ifew/PromptpayQR
- EMVCo QR Code Specification
- Blognone Thai QR for Bill payment information