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Code files for the IEEE UniPi Workshop - My first website with a glimpse of AI

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Workshop Guide

This guide is a step-by-step document in order to assist the attendies of the workshop "My first website with a glimpse of AI" presented by Adreas Karabetian and Panagiotis Karamolegkos.

Table of Contents


Demo 1: Initial Testing

Download Code

Open VS Code and and in the toolbar select: File ► Add Folder to Workspace ► Desktop ► Right Click ► Create ► Folder ► Name your Folder (for example "my-project") ► Add.

Open a Terminal by selecting Terminal ► New Terminal. Then on your brand new Terminal, click the drop down button, next to the + sign. Then choose Command Prompt.

In the Terminal write the following commands:

git clone
cd web-dev-with-ai

The first command is used to download the code from a repository. The second one is used to navigate inside the folder of our code.

Interaction with the Code

Let's experiment with the code.

We can watch our website locally if we do the following: Right Click on index.html ► Copy Path ► Open a Browser ► Paste the Copied Path on the URL.

  • We can edit public/index.html line 9, to change the title of your website.
<title>MovieFlix - Your movies collection</title>
  • We can edit public/index.html line 39, to change the brand name of your website (logo on the menu).
<a class="navbar-brand" style="user-select: none;">MovieFlix</a>
  • We can link our CSS code in our HTML document, public/index.html line 27, like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
  • We can add inline CSS styling on your HTML elements, public/index.html line 77, like so:
<button style="margin-top: 10px;" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
  Add Movie
  • We can link our JavaScript code in our HTML document public/index.html line 197, which is used to run our application's logic, like so:
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
  • We can change our application's background image by editing the file name in our public/css/style.css line 6.
background: url("");
  • We can change our footer background color by editing the following attribute in public/css/style.css line 83.
background-color: #f1f1f1;

Demo 2: Integration with cloud services (Firebase)

Create Firebase Project & Key

1. Create a Project

Go to the Firebase Console and do the following:

  • Login with your gmail account
  • Create a Name for your project like my-project-example
  • In this step, Firebase will create a Unique Identifier for your project. For example my-project-example-becec6
  • Choose if you want to Enable Google Analytics (select No for this workshop)
    • If you accept the above, you will have to connect your Project with One Account for Firebase
  • Create your project

2. Configure your Project

From your Project Overview Dashboard and under "Get started by adding Firebase to your app" choose Web. Now do the following:

  • Give a Nickname to your Web App. Something like my-web-example and check the "Also set up Firebase Hosting for this app" box.
  • Click on the drop down menu and choose to create your own id for your site. Give it a name like
  • Click Register App
  • Choose Use a <script> tag opton
    • The Dashboard will provide you with everything you need, with a code snippet to create your firest Web App
  • Press Next
  • Press Next (yes trust us, again)
  • Press Continue to console

3. Setup the FireStore Database

To Create FireStore:

  • Go to your Project Overview Dashboard.
  • Click on Build.
  • Choose Firestore Database.
  • Create Database.
  • Select Europe.
  • Start in test mode.
  • Select Create.

4. Get your Firebase Key

In your Project Overview Dashboard:

  • Next to Project Overview click on the gear icon (⚙️) ► Project Settings
  • Scroll Down to SDK setup and configuration and Click on Config
  • Do not close that page because you will need this config object in the next steps
Interaction with the Code - FireStore Database

Let's complete our code

1. In public/index.html lines 165 - 168 we have an empty config variable. We need to fill this information with our firebase configs.

// Your web app's Firebase configuration
const firebaseConfig = {};

Return to your firebase Project Settings page copy the config object and paste it between the lines 165 - 168 in public/index.html.

// Your web app's Firebase configuration
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "MyApIkEy",
  authDomain: "",
  projectId: "myproject-a5p21",
  storageBucket: "",
  messagingSenderId: "80244867918",
  appId: "1:80244847918:web:u197f9dd840194e26ef7bf",

2. Uncomment public/index.html lines 200 - 201, from this:

<!-- <script src="js/firebase.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script src="js/main.js"></script> -->

To this:

<script src="js/firebase.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
Setup Llama3 Account & API Token

To get your Llama3 API Token:

  • Go to the Llama API Website.
  • Click on Login.
  • Make an Account.
  • From the My Account Dashboard, click on API Token.
  • Click Refresh to generate your API Token.
  • Do not close this page because you will need this Token in the next steps.
Interaction with the Code - Llama3 API

Let's add our AI assistant.

1. We start by uncommenting our chatbot functionalities file in public/index.html line 202 from this:

<!-- <script src="js/chatbot.js"></script> -->

To this:

<script src="js/chatbot.js"></script>

2. Next we add our HTML code in public/index.html line 139

<button class="chatbot-toggler">
  <span class="material-symbols-rounded">mode_comment</span>
  <span class="material-symbols-outlined">close</span>
<div class="chatbot">
    <h2 style="margin-bottom: 0;">MovieBot</h2>
    <span class="close-btn material-symbols-outlined">close</span>
  <ul class="chatbox">
    <li class="chat incoming">
      <span class="material-symbols-outlined">smart_toy</span>
      <p>Hi there 👋<br />How can I help you today?</p>
  <div class="chat-input">
      placeholder="Enter a message..."
    <span id="send-btn" class="material-symbols-rounded">send</span>

3. Let's add our Llama3 API key in public/js/chatbot.js line 10, between the double quotes. Starting from this:

const API_KEY = "";

To something like this:

const API_KEY =

Web Application Deployment

Initialize a Firebase Repository

To deploy your Web Application in publicly, you will have to install some packages for Firebase. Use the following commands in your Terminal in order to proceed:

npm install -g firebase
npm install -g firebase-tools

Then, you will have to login to Firebase and create a new Repository from your Terminal with the commands below. Follow the Guide and in the end select to use Firestore and Hosting (Without Github). If you have any errors, follow the link provided to you in your Terminal.

firebase login  # Type Y on the prompt and then open your browser to login
firebase init

In the firebase init procedure choose the following:

  • Which Firebase features do you want to set up for this directory? ►

    ◉ Firestore: Configure security rules and indexes files for Firestore

    ◉ Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting and (optionally) set

Project Setup
  • Please select an option ► Use an existing project

  • Select a default Firebase project for this directory ► < Your project name >

Firestore Setup
  • What file should be used for Firestore Rules? ► firestore.rules (Just click Enter)

  • What file should be used for Firestore indexes? ► firestore.indexes.json (Just click Enter)

Hosting Setup
  • What do you want to use as your public directory? ► public (Just click Enter)

  • Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? ► y

  • Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? ► N

  • File public/index.html already exists. Overwrite? ► N

Public Deployment

When you are ready you can deploy your site using the command:

firebase deploy

Now you can access your site though the ID of your project. For convinience:

  • From your Project Overview Dashboard, click on Hosting.
  • Click on one of the links under Domains.

Or just use the URL provided in your Terminal. 😊


Code files for the IEEE UniPi Workshop - My first website with a glimpse of AI






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