This is a repository for the R Workshop for online MSBA. I host the presentation, documentation, data files, and R code for the Workshop here.
There is a single presentation that covers the entirety of the workshop and a companion document for each section. You may be familiar with pdf documents which are the outputs you can read.
What you may not be familiar is the R Markdown (Rmd) files used to generate the documents. If you download the Rmd files you can run the same code on your machine as well.
This is a shortened version of
Pre-Workshop covers the installation of R and R Studio.
Introduction is a brief intro to R console interface.
Import is an overview on how to import data from most common sources.
Packages provides a look at what packages are, how to get them, and briefly introduces some of the more common packages.
Analysis Examples short tutorials on regression, and logistic regression in R.
Presentation is the slide deck for the whole workshop.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the R Console by Irfan E Kanat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at