You can generate test token there:
For generating you need:
- Team ID
- Maps ID
- MapKit key ID
- MapKit Private key
- Add to the
script including<script src=""></script>
- Add
to imports in yourapp.module.ts
- Define
in your*.component.ts
file (have to look on MapKitInitOptions) - Define
(optional) (have to loon on MapConstructorOptions) - Add
<ngx-apple-maps [options]="options" [settings]="settings"></ngx-apple-maps>
in your*.component.html
Insert into ngx-apple-maps
tag following code:
*ngFor="const annotation of annotations"
and longitude
is required.
You can provide additional annotationOptions:AnnotationConstructorOptionsInterface
param for each annotation
You can pass elements or component into annotation
<div>Styled div or component with any content</div>
Description of them
options:MapKitInitOptions = {
language: 'en'; // default browser language
callback: (data) => {
// return map event
JWT: string; // Json Web token
Created map getting from the getting from options:MapKitInitOptions
callback response
In your *.component.ts
onLoaded(e) { = e;
After successfully initializatin of the map you are got map object with next methods and params:
key: 1 // current map key identifier
isRotationAvailable() // return boolean value
isRotationEnabled() // return boolean value
isScrollEnabled() // return boolean value
isZoomEnabled() // return boolean value
getCenter() // return object with coordinates of map center
latitude: 1,
longitude: 1,
setCenterAnimated(latitude: number, longitude: number, animate: boolean = true) // set center of the map
getRegion() // return current map region
setRegionAnimated(center, span = null, animate = true) // set region for the current map, center is required param, its the object with latitude: number, longitude: number params
getRotation() // return current rotation value in degrees
setRotationAnimated(degrees, animate = true) // set rotation to passed value
getCameraDistance() // return current camera distance
setCameraDistanceAnimated(distance: number, animate: boolean = true)
getCameraZoomRange() // return available zoom range for the current map
// More about cameraZoomRange
setCameraZoomRangeAnimated(minCameraDistance, maxCameraDistance, animate: boolean = true)
getColorScheme() // return current color scheme (light or dark)
setColorScheme: (scheme = 'light') // set color scheme (light or dark)
setDistances() // 'metric' | 'imperial' | 'adaptive'
getMapType() // return 'standard' | 'mutedStandard' | 'hybrid' | 'satellite'
setMapType() // 'standard' | 'mutedStandard' | 'hybrid' | 'satellite'
getPadding() // return current padding
setPadding(padding) // pass object {top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0}
setShowsMapTypeControl(value: boolean) // show or hide map type control
setShowsZoomControl(value: boolean) // show or hide map zoom controls
setShowsUserLocationControl(value: boolean) // show or hide Shows user location controls
setShowsPointsOfInterest(value: boolean) // show or hide places on the map
setTintColor(color: string)
showItems(annotations, options)
// Zoom to passed annotation, can be Array of annoations or single annotation
// You can get created annotations from getAnnotations() function
// options - object
options = {
animate: true, // optional, default true
padding: {top: 20} // left right bottom, optional
span: {latitudeDelta: 0, longitudeDelta 1} // optional
getAnnotations() // return Promise of annotations
getSelectedAnnotations() // return selected annotations
zoom // number, specify zoom for map
showComass // 'hidden' | 'adaptive' | 'visible' defulat adaptive
All options are optional
settings:MapConstructorOptions = {
region: {
center: {
latitude: 37.3316850890998,
longitude: -122.030067374026
span: { //
latitudeDelta: 0,
longitudeDelta: 1
center: { // center of the map
latitude: 37.3316850890998,
longitude: -122.030067374026
rotation: 45, // degrees
tintColor: '#000', // color of map controls
colorScheme: 'light', // light or dark, for default it's the browser color cheme
mapType: 'standart', // 'mutedStandard' | 'standard' | 'satellite' | 'hybrid'
padding: { // map padding
top: 10,
right: 10,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
showsMapTypeControl: true, // is show mapType control on the map
isRotationEnabled: true,
showsCompass: 'adaptive', // 'adaptive' (showing always and on the touch screen devices hides if rotationElabled: false and rotation: 0) | 'hidden' | 'visible'
isZoomEnabled: true, // is zoom available
showsZoomControl: true,
isScrollEnabled: true, // A Boolean value that determines whether the user may scroll the map with a pointing device or with gestures on a touchscreen.
showsScale: 'adaptive', // 'adaptive' | 'hidden' | 'visible'
showsUserLocation: false,
tracksUserLocation: false,
showsUserLocationControl: true
All params is optional
annotationOptions:AnnotationConstructorOptionsInterface = {
data: { // object with your custom data
anyData: "anyValue"
title: "Annotation Title",
subtitle: "Annotation Subtitle",
appearanceAnimation: "", // A CSS animation that runs when the annotation appears on the map.
displayPriority: 1000, // A numeric hint the map uses to prioritize displaying annotations. From 0 to 1000
padding: { // Spacing added around the annotation when showing items.
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
size: { // The desired dimensions of the annotation, in CSS pixels.
width: 30,
height: 30
visible: true,
animates: true, // A Boolean value that determines if the annotation should be animated.
draggable: false,
enabled: true,
selected: false,
calloutEnabled: true, // A Boolean value that determines whether an annotation's callout should be shown.
clusteringIdentifier: null, // String - An identifer used for grouping annotations into the same cluster.
// More about clusteringIdentifier -
collisionMode: 'rectangle', // 'rectangle' | 'circle'
accessibilityLabel: '', // Accessibility text for the annotation.
color: '#000', // Any CSS color
glyphText: '$', // Annotation icon on the map
glyphColor: '#000', // Any CSS color
glyphImage: 'some/path/to/image.png',
selectedGlyphImage: 'some/path/to/selected-annotation-image.png',
For using api without map you should initializate API using AppleMapsService
- Init mapkit js using
Import AppleMapsSearchService
query, // search query
(err, data) => {}, // callback
options // SearchInterface
query, // search query
(err, data) => {}, // callback
options // SearchInterface
const options = { // optional
getsUserLocation: false, // search near user
coordinate: {
latitude: number,
longitude: number,
language: 'en', // default browser language
region: {
center: {
latitude: number,
longitude: number,
span: {
latitudeDelta: number,
longitudeDelta number,
Return Promise
- Promise.reject()
timeout, default 5000
If timeout
is 0 reject doesn't call
Import AppleMapsGeocoderService
reverseLookup(lat, lon, callback, options: GeocoderReverseLookupOptionsInterface)
GeocoderReverseLookupOptionsInterface {
language: string;
Map don't rendering on the server side, all methods unavailable.