A desktop UI tool for viewing and manipulating connector states. https://github.com/starrepublic/inriver-connectorstateexplorer.
A desktop UI tool for testing and debugging print related matters. Eliminates much (or all) need for developers to have InDesign installed. Also includes a proxy that sits between InDesign and the CCRService. https://github.com/starrepublic/inriver-printtinkerer.
Have you ever required to add restrictions (Add, Update, Delete) per entity type, and not for all entity types as the native inRiver behaviour proposed? Here's all the info: https://absotech.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INRIVER/pages/165281796/EntityCrudValidator.
Natively, when a CVL Value is deleted, the entities that use this CVL Value are not cleaned up. The "CVL Value Key" stays on the field type, which prevents the entity update unless you change the field type that used the CVL. Furthermore, by keeping this deleted CVL Value on the entity, you could erroneous data to your 3rd party solution. Here's an extension that will clean the entities using the deleted CVL Value: https://absotech.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INRIVER/pages/167706625/CVL+Value+Cleanup.
Ability to download all the resource files within a Workarea in the Web portal from a Chrome Extension. All the details here: https://absotech.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INRIVER/pages/38600705/Extend+the+inRiver+Portal+with+Chrome+Extensions
- Google Chrome extension that will allow you to more easily log in and out between iPMC enviornments.
- Google Chrome extension that will add improvements and tweaks to the Web Portal and Control Center.
Great! Feel free to create a pull request or contact Roy Eriksson over at the inRiver consultants Slack and we'll get it added here!
- Add website for this Github Pages (and link to the organisation)! If anyone have any tips or want to do this, just contact Roy Eriksson over at the inRiver consultants Slack