This is a personal repo where I recreate a project I did in 2016 when I first learned the python programming language. The original goal was to challenge myself during a tutorial video that was a bit too slow, and I ended up playing with the turtle package, creating visuals I liked. At the time being, I didn't know about git, and I lost the code-base, so I decided to rewrite it, using my current knowledge about python, in order to recreate it with a better code quality (object-oriented, with better abstraction layers, documentation, names, etc.), and to further learn about python (e.g. match cases, type hints and other parts of the language I didn't use a lot before).
The repo is originally just meant for organizing my work and make it accessible from anywhere, but if anyone wants to use / modify the code, feel free! I would be happy to welcome any new contributor!
The base of the programs was to build polygons inscribed in other polygons, in a recursive way, which allows to create a sort of spiral only constituted of straight lines, but looks quite smooth. Then using color-filling, one can create the illusion of shading and 3D shapes. Finally, tiling multiple polygons side by side allows to trick the eyes into forgetting about the single polygons. I am trying to make this the most abstract possible, in order to allow any type of polygons, any filling of those, multiple interpolation, shading modes etc.