Make sure you have mongodb installed
$ which mongodb
-if not install using homebrew
$ brew install mongodb
-if installed ensure mongod is default
$ brew info mongodb
- follow instructions
Make sure mongod is running
$ mongod
$ brew info mongodb
Enter server root folder
$ cd /path/to/your/folder
$ npm install
$ mkdir tmp
$ mkdir public/uploads
$ mkdir public/uploads/clients
$ mkdir public/uploads/posters
$ mkdir public/uploads/thumbnails
$ mkdir public/videos
Ensure DB indexes
$ mongo
$ use im_site
$ db.projects.ensureIndex({order:1})
$ db.capabilities.ensureIndex({order:1})
$ db.clients.ensureIndex({order:1})
$ db.projects.ensureIndex({timestamp: -1})
Run the app on localhost
$ node app.js
Setup admin un/pw
Visit /admin/create - only once
Almost the same as above. use apt-get in place of brew follow OSX instructions above except running app and nvm
Set node application with nvm
$ nvm use 0.10.21
Start app with nvm & forever.js
$ cd /var/www
$ forever start -l im_site.log -a -o im_site_out.log -e im_site_errors.log app.js
Check out Forevers Console logs
$ tail -f ~/.forever/im_site.log
Restart Forever and Code
$ cd /var/www
$ git pull origin master
$ forever restartall
Check if the app is running
$ forever list
*If you type Node and receive:
The program 'node' can be found in the following packages:
* node
* nodejs-legacy
Ask your administrator to install one of them
*Or if you type Forever and receive:
forever: command not found
nvm use 0.10.21
Beta Beta