Releases: infodusha/define-html
Releases · infodusha/define-html
3.0.0 (2024-07-30)
- shadow DOM is always used
- data-shadow is always open
- data-selector is obsolete, just always use filename
- shadow dom now has global styles inside
- no need to write type for component scripts
- instead of data-global just paste your styles and script into the page
- add appendStyle method (8a02f5b)
- all scripts are ES modules now (519c8d7)
- data-selector is not used anymore (0b7ee2d)
- data-shadow don't need a value anymore (11a7e73)
- group component styles (ca9b396)
- no more data-global attribute (b99d785)
- runtime: handle load errors (1ca4834)
- shadow DOM is always used (4cf5a49)
- updates + shadow works as expected (9eb730f)