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Personal AOSP Builds + Customisation

Android Customisation

This repository contains all of my customisations for Android.


List of build and install instructions.

Name Device Android
Pixel Experience (fork) renoir 12

Useful Links


List of useful / essential modules.

Name Type Description
AOSP Mods Magisk AOSP customisation app
LSPosed Magisk Hooking framework, alternative to Xposed
Universal SafetyNet Fix Magisk (Zygisk) SafetyNet attestation workarounds
Universal SafetyNet Fix (Mod) (use this!) Magisk (Zygisk) SafetyNet attestation workarounds (with CTS profile attestation)
Better Call Recorder Magisk Call recording app for rooted phones
Shamiko Magisk Hide root, Magisk, LSPosed from apps
Disable FLAG_SECURE LSPosed / Xposed Allow screenshots, screen-sharing and recording apps
No Storage Restrict LSPosed / Xposed Removes restrictions when selecting folders through the file manager


List of useful / essential applications.

Name Description
GCam Google Camera ports for other devices
Fox's Magisk Module Manager Magisk module download store
ReVanced Manager Patch YouTube and other apps directly from phone
(patch information, YouTube 17.36.37, YouTube Music 5.26.52)

Popular repositories Loading

  1. pixelexperience_manifest pixelexperience_manifest Public

    Forked from PixelExperience/manifest

    Fork of Pixel Experience manifest


  2. meta meta Public

    All the information about everything.

    Shell 1

  3. pixelexperience_bootable_recovery pixelexperience_bootable_recovery Public

    Forked from PixelExperience/bootable_recovery

    Fork of PixelExperience Recovery


  4. .github .github Public

    Org. special repo

  5. immich-dual-app immich-dual-app Public

    Forked from immich-app/immich

    High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution. (modified for dual app purpose)



Showing 5 of 5 repositories