Plug based health check provided as macros.
The package can be installed by adding itk_health_checkex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
{:itk_health_checkex, "~> 1.0.1"}
After you are done, run mix deps.get
in your shell to fetch and compile ITK Healthcheckex.
You can config the maximum timeout in seconds allowed for all the checks, if the timeout interval elapsed
and any of the checks wasn't finished; it will terminate all the remaining checks and report them as timedout
and respond with 503 HTTP status code. default is: 29000
milliseconds == 29 seconds
Also you can config the endpoint you want to hit to run the checks. default is: healthcheck
you can define it as follows:
config :itk_health_checkex,
timeout: 10_000,
endpoint: "healthcheck"
You will need to define a new plug and use the HealthCheckex
module under your lib/project_web/plugs
folder, you can name
it anything you want, ex: lib/acme_web/plugs/health_check.ex
defmodule AcmeWeb.HealthCheck do
use HealthCheckex
then you will need to tell your endpoint module about this plug, it's better to define it
as early as possible in your endpoint file, just open lib/acme_web/endpoint.ex
and make the following changes:
defmodule AcmeWeb.Endpoint do
Take care that you will need to use the same module name of the plug you defined earlier.
You can define all your checks in the plug you created earlier using the healthcheck
your check should either return any of these values:
Return Value | Result | Message | HTTP Response Status Code |
:ok |
healthy | "Healthy!" | 200 |
{:ok, result} |
healthy | result |
200 |
{:warn, result} |
healthy | result |
200 |
{:fail, result} |
not healthy | result |
503 |
_ |
not healthy | Inspected error | 503 |
If at least one check returned {:fail, result}
or timedout then the app will be considered as not healthy,
and if all the checks return a {:warn, result}
the app will be considered healthy.
healthcheck :redis do
key = "healthcheck-" <> Ecto.UUID.generate()
with {:ok, _} <- Redis.set(key, "true"),
{:ok, "true"} <- Redis.get(key),
{:ok, 1} <- Redis.delete(key) do
err -> {:fail, err}
healthcheck :database do
repos = [ITK.Repo]
try do
repos |> Enum.each(&Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(&1, "select 1"))
{:ok, "#{length(repos)} Repo(s) Healthy!"}
err -> {:fail, err}
healthcheck :timedout_service do
Whenever you make a change and add the appropriate tests make sure to bump the version module attribute
in mix.exs
file and in the
file; commit and push your changes then run
$ mix hex.publish
from the command line once the CI pipeline pass successfully.