This starter helps to quick start developing on OpTest Please visit the public website and the Block explorer
You would need Sepolia test Eth. Please go to one of these faucets and grab some eth:
Once you have Sepolia Eth you will have to bridge to OpTest eth. Please login in on Sepolia chain and brigde the required amount, it will take 8-10 minuts to confirm.
- Install project dependencies:
yarn install
in our package.json we have already included gelato-raasprotocol-kit
2. Create a .env
file with your private config:
cp .env.example .env
You will need to input your Private Key PK
for sponsored transactions, you an get it at
As part of the Gelato Raas AA offerings, we have deployed a custom safe-sdk creating following packages
Package | SDK |
Safe Protocol Kit | gelato-raas-protocol-kit |
Safe AA Kit | gelato-raas-account-abstraction-kit |
Safe Relay Kit | gelato-raas-relay-kit |
In the Raas AA UI starter Kit we showcase how to implement AA with web3Auth for social login, Safe as smart contract wallet and Gelato Relay for Gasless transactions. A live demo on zKatana can be seen here:
Here we are going to show the two different ways to send Gasless Transactions through a Safe, either sponsoring the gas with 1Balance or paying with the Safe balance (SyncFee)
In both examples we are going to increment()
the counter on this simple contract deployed on OpTest
const safeAccountAbstraction = new AccountAbstraction(signer);
const sdkConfig: AccountAbstractionConfig = {
await safeAccountAbstraction.init(sdkConfig);
// Create a transaction object
const txConfig = {
TO: targetAddress,
DATA:counterContract.interface.encodeFunctionData("increment", []),
// Options:
GAS_LIMIT: gasLimit,
const predictedSafeAddress = await safeAccountAbstraction.getSafeAddress();
console.log({ predictedSafeAddress });
const isSafeDeployed = await safeAccountAbstraction.isSafeDeployed();
console.log({ isSafeDeployed });
const safeTransactions: MetaTransactionData[] = [
to: txConfig.TO,
data: txConfig.DATA,
value: txConfig.VALUE,
operation: OperationType.Call,
const options: MetaTransactionOptions = {
gasLimit: txConfig.GAS_LIMIT,
isSponsored: true,
const response = await safeAccountAbstraction.relayTransaction(
console.log(`${response} `);
{ predictedSafeAddress: '0xf35EAc5DA7d808264a9c7B1C19E2946201320522' }
{ isSafeDeployed: true }
Remember to fund your Safe as the gas fees will be deducted from your safe balance
const gasLimit = "10000000";
const safeAccountAbstraction = new AccountAbstraction(signer);
const sdkConfig: AccountAbstractionConfig = {
await safeAccountAbstraction.init(sdkConfig);
const txConfig = {
TO: targetAddress,
DATA: counterContract.interface.encodeFunctionData("increment", []),,
VALUE: "0",
// Options:
GAS_LIMIT: gasLimit,
GAS_TOKEN: ethers.constants.AddressZero,
const predictedSafeAddress = await safeAccountAbstraction.getSafeAddress();
console.log({ predictedSafeAddress });
const isSafeDeployed = await safeAccountAbstraction.isSafeDeployed();
console.log({ isSafeDeployed });
const safeTransactions: MetaTransactionData[] = [
to: txConfig.TO,
data: txConfig.DATA,
value: txConfig.VALUE,
operation: OperationType.Call,
const options: MetaTransactionOptions = {
gasLimit: txConfig.GAS_LIMIT,
gasToken: txConfig.GAS_TOKEN,
isSponsored: false,
const response = await safeAccountAbstraction.relayTransaction(
console.log(`${response} `);
$ ts-node src/aa-safe-gasless/aaSyncFee.ts
{ predictedSafeAddress: '0xf35EAc5DA7d808264a9c7B1C19E2946201320522' }
{ isSafeDeployed: true }
✨ Done in 24.41s.
We have deployed and verified the the Safe contracts and also we forked the safe sdk to be able to test in OpTest. The forked safe-sdk is published under the package [email protected]. The relay-kit and account.abstraction-kit will be published very soon.
Code can be seen here
yarn create-safe
yarn run v1.22.19
$ ts-node src/create-safe.ts
Network: { chainId: 42069, name: 'unknown' }
Safe created with address: 0xf35EAc5DA7d808264a9c7B1C19E2946201320522
✨ Done in 13.27s.
We have deployed a SimpleCounter contract where we are going to increment the counter through a safe transaciton. Here the code
yarn increment-counter
$ ts-node src/increment-counter.ts
TxHash: 0xce9271aba30a6e68a36f3ce75690ea63e2258d7d9a1d2bb69d58b10ae4fd70d7
✨ Done in 15.47s.