Plot inequalities in 2-D space.
plots the inequality f(x,y)
region x(1) <= x <= x(2)
and y(1) <= y <= y(2)
using specified color.
For multiple inequalities, use &
in f
. Default color is [0.5,0.75,1]
Default resolution is 400
Example 1: A colored ellipse.
ellipse = @(x,y) x.^2/4+y.^2<=1;
Example 2: A colored triangle.
triangle = @(x,y) x>0 & x<1 & y>0 & y<x;
Example 3: Area under a Gaussian curve.
g = @(x) 1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-x.^2/2);
inequalityplot(@(x,y) y<g(x) & y>0 & x>-2 & x<1,[-3,3],[0,0.5],'c')
hold on; fplot(g,[-3,3],'LineWidth',1); hold off
Author: Ildeberto de los Santos Ruiz, [email protected]