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# heart-disease-prediction

this project in artificial intelligence that help you to predict weather you have aheart disease or not

1) Preprocessing:
First deal with nulls ,I replace null cells with mean of columns if columns are numerical
and with mode of columns if columns are strings ,drop nulls not preferred because data is already small.
Second deal with string columns (features)by get dummies(one hot encoder) and label by replace
function or label encoder.
Third check if there is duplicate row and remove.
Fourth check outliers and index of rows that have outliers and drop them to reduce skewness of
Fifth split dataset to features and labels
Last step in preprocessing feature scaling on features is important to make gradient descent more faster
and make all columns have same range of values.
2) Feature selection
It is an important step in order to drop any column that has low correlation between it and label (less than
0.1) , reduce number of features is an important step to increase accuracy.
3) Train and Test model
1. Split dataset into data in order to train model and small portion of data (between 20 % and 30%)
to test model.
2. Random state to controls shuffling applied to data before applying the split.
4) Used algorithms
SVM Decision Tree KNN Random
1)Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression is used for predicting categorical data
Sigmoid function is a function of linear Regression equation (w*x +b) , predict probability of Heart disease
is exist ,if probability less than 0.5 then heart disease is not exist and if more than 0.5 (threshold) then
heart disease is exist but label is 0(not exist) or 1(exist).
1) Solver: used to optimize data ex. lbfgs(best value in our model) deals with small dataset to make
output more accurate.
2) C: regularization hyperparameter is used to decrease overfitting range(between 0.5 and 1 to avoid
overfitting) , the most suitable value in our model is 1(1 is the best value in our model)
Support vector machine is a type of classification algorithm that used to classifies data according
to the features.
It separates classes by linear kernal ,polynomial ,non linear according to data to predict what
class the predicted value belong to ex. we have two classes (have heart disease , does not have
heart disease) it separates between two classes and determine whether the predicted value
belong to class 1 or class 2 and put the point in class it belongs to.
It should be with large margins and equidistance between support vectors from two classes
1) Kernal: it depends on data on scatter plot ,values: linear, poly, rbf(value in our model is
poly to separate between classes)
2) C:Regularization parameter default is 10 increasing it reduces error but may leads to
overfitting(value in our model is (value in our model is 3)
3)Decision Tree
Is used in classification is select features with the highest information gain to be splitted (root
node) ,if this split have entropy more than zero (impurity) either in left branch or right branch,
do another split till reach max depth or zero entropy.
1. Max depth:it should not be very large value in order not to increase complexity of
algorithm and not to increase error (value in our model is 4)
2.Max _feature =consider number of feature (not all features) to calculate information gain
of it in order to choose one of them to be splitted .(value in our model 3)
3.criterion=measure impurity of the split of branch ,value=entropy, gini. (value in our model
is entropy)
it is an classification algorithm ,it predict by calculate distance between point and its nearest
neighbors by ecludian or matahan .
1)nearest neighbors=number of nearest neighbor.(best value in our model=4)
2)metric=value(minkowski) with p=1 using Manhattan to calculate distance(this our best value for our
model) rather than p=2(eucludian).

5)Random forest:
Is used in classification is select features with the highest information gain to be splitted (root
node) ,if this split have entropy more than zero (impurity) either in left branch or right branch,
do another split till reach max depth or zero entropy. It is better than decision because it
consists of many trees by sample with replacement from original training set to build more trees.
1.Max depth:it should not be very large value in order not to increase complexity of algorithm
and not to increase error (value in our model is 4)
2.Max _feature =either log2 or sqrt , consider number of feature (not all features) to calculate
information gain of it in order to choose one of them to be splitted .(value in our model is
sqrt) 3.criterion=measure impurity of the split of branch ,value=entropy, gini.(value in our model is
4.number of trees= value in our model(100)
• XGBoost stands for Extreme Gradient Boosting.
• It is a tree boosting algorithm that can be used for both classification and regression tasks.
• XGBoost is a popular choice for machine learning competitions because it is very efficient
and can achieve state-of-the-art results.
• XGBoost has many hyperparameters that can be tuned to improve the performance of the
• Some of the most important hyperparameters include the learning rate, the number of
trees, the maximum depth of each tree, and the regularization parameters. • The optimal values for these parameters will vary depending on the dataset and the task
at hand. It is important to experiment with different values to find the best results.

Final conclusion

Logistic Svm Decision tree Knn Random forest Xg boost
Test acc=0.849 Test acc=0.864 Test acc=0.83 Test acc =0.849 Test acc=0.886 Test acc=0.862
Train acc=0.84 Train=0.878 Train

This accuracy in each model is the best we reach ,sometimes we have very high test acc but train
acc less than high by more than 4% which is not good so we should balance between them to
avoid underfitting or overfitting.


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